Why Does My Horse Toss its Head?


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Why Your Horse Tosses its Head and How to Stop It
Is your horse tossing its head while you ride? Head tossing can range from annoying bobbing to dangerous head throwing and shaking. Horses toss or bob their heads for a number of reasons.


Often teeth wear unevenly and can have uncomfortable hooks and edges that cause the horse to scrape his cheeks or tongue while he chews. Teeth problems can make holding a bit very uncomfortable. Some horses need their teeth checked as frequently as every 6 months.


Check to see that the bit fits comfortably in the horse's mouth. Is it too narrow and pinching, too thick or too much of a mouthful? Is the curb strap too loose that allows a curb bit to rotate too far in the horse's mouth? Is it too high or too low? Is the bit too harsh and the horse is trying to avoid it?


Some horses toss their heads because they get frantic about biting insects around their ears.
Consider using ear covers and insect repellent.

Saddle Fit

An improperly fitted saddle that is pinching your horses back can cause a number of unwanted behaviors including head tossing.

Improper Rein Aids

Often horses toss their heads in response to the rider mishandling the reins. The first thing a rider needs to learn is how to have light, sympathetic hands that follow the movement of the horse, while still maintaining enough contact to control the horse. This is probably the most common reason for head tossing and the solution is to take a few lessons with an instructor that can help the rider learn to have a soft, dynamic connection with the horse's mouth.

Solutions VS Masks

If you are tempted to 'solve' the problem by using a different bit, tie down, or martingale consider the possibility that you will only mask the problem not solve it. Always view any unwanted behaviour as your horse reacting to what you (or someone before you) has done to it. When a horse tosses its head it is trying to tell you something. It's always more important to be a 'horse listener' than a 'horse whisperer'.​