When is the Best Time of Year to Buy a Horse?


♘ مدیریت انجمن اسب ایران ♞
Is There a Good Time of Year to Buy a Horse?
Traditionally, the autumn has been the best time of year to buy a horse. As people were done with their horses and didn’t want to feed extra mouths during the winter, prices would drop with the influx of unwanted horses. My grandfather and father used to grow tobacco and used horses to pull the ‘tobacco boats’ in the fields. The horses were bought in the spring and then sold in the fall when the work was done. This is rarely the case anymore.

The price of good horses remains stable throughout the year. If a horse is worth $20,000 in the spring it’s likely to be worth the same or more in the fall. Most owners don’t worry about feeding their horses throughout the winter months. And such horses will likely be used as much in the winter as the summer months thanks to indoor riding arenas.

Horses that might sell cheaper are camp or dude string horses. Some summer camps and tourist operations will sell off the horses they used for the season. The upside of this for the horse buyer is that you can sometimes find a seen-it-all-done-it all horse for a reasonable price.

Occasionally individual owners will want to have less expense over the winter and sell a horse for a bit less than they would in the spring or summer. Often though, they will sell the youngest or least useful of their herd.

Often Thoroughbreds or Standardbreds can be had at a low cost at the end of the racing season. But it takes an experienced and patient handler to to re-train and ride ex-race horses. For someone with the knowledge to deal with these horses bargains can be had.

The best time to buy a horse is when you are sure you have time in your life for it. If you know you are going to be writing exams, finishing your thesis or your work is particularly busy in the spring you might want to hold off until the less busy summer months. The hectic Christmas season isn’t a great time of year to bring home any pet.

If you do buy a horse in late summer or autumn, you’ll need to be sure you have stabling and feed in place for the coming winter if snow and cold weather are sure to come. Whenever you buy a horse you will want to be sure you have the time it takes to care for it properly and have time to enjoy getting to know each other.​