Each level has it's own set of tests, one to four tests per level, with required movements and patterns the rider/horse combination must perform. These movements are scored by a judge on a scale of 1 to 10, ten being the highest. There are marks given for each of the movements of the test. Then there are what they call collective marks at the bottom of the test. These marks are:
Gaits - freedom, regularity of movement.

Impulsion - desire to move forward, relaxation.

Submission, attention, willingness to accept bit.

Riders position and seat, correctness and effectiveness of aids. Certain movements receive double points.
All this is tallied and is divided by the total number of possible points to arrive at a percentage score for the ride, the highest percentage being the winner. Each test within a level and each level gets progressively more difficult. The level system is for the purpose of allowing the horse time to develop the right muscles to continue on to harder and more strenuous movements. If you were to rush a horse to fast through the levels you could easily cause his legs and back to break down.

Intro Level - Consists of tests 1 and 2 only. Intro level requires only walk and trot, no canter. Movements: 20 meter circles in the trot. All trot work is trot rising, Develop the medium and free walk, and halt.

Training Level - This level has 4 tests. This and all of the following levels require walk trot and canter. Movements: All of the above plus 20 meter circles in the trot and canter, halt, free walk, medium walk, change rein across the diagonal in the trot, trot rising and sitting, and serpentines on the centerline in the trot.

1st Level - First level has 4 tests. Movements: All of the above plus halt, medium walk, free walk, halt to medium walk, 10 meter circle in the trot, lengthen stride in trot sitting and rising, full arena serpentines in the trot, leg yielding, lengthen stride in canter, 15 meter canter circles, change of leads through trot, and serpentines on the center line in the canter (counter canter).

2nd Level - This level has 4 tests. Movements: All of the above plus working, collected, and medium trot, shoulder-in, halt, rein-back, working, collected and medium canter, walk to canter, 10 meter circles in canter, travers, 1/2 turn on haunches in the walk, and transition of canter to walk to canter.

3rd Level - 3rd level has only 3 tests. Movements: All of the above plus, regular, medium and extended walk, collected, extended and medium canter, full arena serpentines with no change of lead, canter half pass, a flying lead change, collected, medium and extended trot, trot half pass, and 8 meter circle in trot.

4th Level - This level has 3 tests. Movements: All of the above plus, medium to collected to medium trot, Halt-back-trot, half pirouette in the walk, collected walk, serpentine in the canter with flying lead changes, counter canter, flying lead changes every 4th stride, flying lead changes every 3rd stride, 1/4 and 1/2 canter pirouettes.

FEI Prix ST. George - This level has 1 test. Movements same as above plus, collected-extended-collected trot and halt to canter (canter depart).

FEI Intermediate I - This level has 1 test. Movements: All of the above plus, Zig zag half pass in trot, 5 loop serpentines with flying lead changes, and Canter pirouette.

FEI Intermediate II - This level also has only 1 test. Movements: All of the above plus, Passage, 7-8 steps of piaffe, flying changes of lead every 2nd stride and transitions of piaffe to passage and passage to piaffe.

FEI Grand Prix - Grand prix has only 1 test. Movements All of the above plus, all gaits completely collected and extended, full pirouettes in trot and canter, Passage, piaffe, Flying lead changes every stride, zig-zag half passes in trot and canter, at this level the horse and rider should be in complete harmony with each other.​