

♘ مدیریت انجمن اسب ایران ♞
Mecklembourg is a nearest relative of Hanovrien. It is originating in the German democratic Republic. With little thing near, the same races contributed to their foundation and, moreover, of many exchanges took place between the stockbreeders of the two types.

This race of solid horses, with the calm temperament, was until the beginning of the XIV ème century, one of most important of Germany. But the enormous needs for the Napoleonean armies as well as the absence of control exhausted it and it risked total disappearance. Extremely fortunately, of the attempts at improvement by means of Hanover mares were realized at the beginning of the XX ème century and gave good results. One raised it for the cavalry, but since the Second World War one rather aims to the production of a good saddle horse all uses. Its temperament is intrepid, soft, flexible and of goodwill.

Today, Mecklembourg, wraps dominant bay, 1,60 m to 1,70 m, remains very appreciated for its strength.

Head of average size, assembled well on a strong neck. Shoulders and powerful chest, round and collected body, broad and powerful kidneys. Good back-hand, strong and quite constructed legs. The guns are short, the hard and round shoes. It resembles Hanovrien in a little smaller.​