Glossary of Horse Terms


♘ مدیریت انجمن اسب ایران ♞
Glossary of Horse Terms-A- (5)
"Definition of Amble"

Definition: An amble is a very slow pace. The stride may be slightly broken. Standardbreds amble and even some non-gaited horses may amble when agitated.
Pronunciation: am bul (short a sound)

"The Definition of Aids"
Definition: Anything used to communicate with the horse while riding or driving such as voice, hands, legs, whips or spurs.
Pronunciation: a dz (long a sound)
Examples: The rider used assertive leg aids to urge his horse to gallop faster.

"Meaning of All Rounder"
Definition: A horse well trained or suited to do a number of different disciplines or sports.
Pronunciation: âll-r ow n dr
Examples: A quiet all rounder makes a good family horse.

Definition: A riding ring that is enclosed with walls and a roof, allowing horses to be ridden in bad weather, especially in areas where snow may prevent outdoor riding.
Pronunciation: a ree na (both long a sounds)
Also Known As: Indoor ring, indoor stadium
Examples: The children had their riding lesson in the arena because it was raining outside.

"Artificial Aids"
Definition: Any article such as whip, spurs, bits, used to communicate with the horse or pony while riding.
Pronunciation: art e fish al- adz
Examples: A bit is one artificial aid most people use on their horse.​


♘ مدیریت انجمن اسب ایران ♞
Definitions of Horse Terms Beginning With B

"Definition of Bridle Path"
Definition: The short span of shaved mane on the neck directly behind the ears that allows the bridle to be put on and off without tangling in long mane hairs is called a bridle path. A guideline for deciding how long to cut the bridle path back is to fold back an ear and use it for a measurement. A trimmed bridle path helps to give the horse a nice groomed appearance. On some breeds, such as the Arabian, the bridle path is cut well down the neck to emphasis the elegance of the arch.

Trails used for riding can also be referred to as bridle paths.
Examples: Using the electric clippers the girls carefully trimmed their pony's bridle path to groom for the show.

"Definition of Brushing"
Definition: If you groom your horse you could also be said to be brushing it. However, when a horse strikes the inside of one leg with another that is also called brushing. Brushing can be caused by fatigue, poor conformation, lack of balance or overgrown hooves or shoes. Brush boots are made to protect horses who are prone to brushing.
Also Known As: Interfering

Definition: A tradesperson trained in hoof care and horse shoeing.
Pronunciation: bl ak sm ith
Also Known As: farrier
Examples: The blacksmith shod the horse with the new style of synthetic shoes to protect its hooves from the rocks.

Definition: A broodmare is a female horse used for producing foals. They often are chosen in hopes of passing down their outstanding physical or athletic attributes or desirable ancestry.
Pronunciation: br oo d mair (oo as in food)
Also Known As: mare
Examples: The broodmares grazed the grass while their new born foals napped nearby.

"Definition of Buck"
Definition: Dropping the head down while the hind legs lift off of the ground. Can be a reaction to being startled or hurt, belligerence, or a lack of exercise.
Pronunciation: b u k (short u sound)
Also Known As: slang: pitch
Examples: The rider was tossed off when the horse began to buck.​


♘ مدیریت انجمن اسب ایران ♞
Glossary of Horse Terms-C- (12)

"Definition of Crop"
Definition: A short inflexible whip used while riding to encourage the horse to move forward. Crops, whips or bats shouldn't be used to hit a horse, but as an extension of your arm to cue the horse.

A horse eating grass is sometimes said to be cropping.
Pronunciation: kr aw p
Also Known As: Whip, bat.

In reference to eating cropping may also be called grazing.
Examples: The girl gave the reluctant pony a tap on the haunch with a crop to encourage it to cross the stream.

"Definition of Counter Canter"
Definition: A counter canter is when the horse turns a bend on the incorrect lead. On the correct lead the inside foreleg would be reaching further forward than the outside leg. When counter cantering the outside foreleg is the leading leg. If a horse counter canter's on it's own accord, ignoring the rider's aids it is said to be on the incorrect or wrong lead. But if the rider asks for the "incorrect" lead it is a counter canter.
Examples: The judge asked for a counter canter to test the horse's obedience in the equitation class.

"Definition of Clipping"
Definition: Clipping can be done to tails, manes or hair coat. Bridle paths may be clipped, tails shaved at the top, or the hair coat shaved if it is heavy and the horse takes a long time to dry out after work. Clipped horses should be blanketed during cooler weather since they won’t have the protection of their thick coat.

Clipping may also mean a horse hit's its own fetlocks or pasterns as it travels. This may cause small lesions that may range from nicks in the hair, to bleeding cuts caused by the hooves. Many horses clip because of their conformation and little can be done about this beyond wearing protective gear. Overgrown hooves and shoes, or lack of muscle condition may also cause clipping, especially if the horse is young.

"Definition of Conformation"
Definition: The physical structure of a horse's or pony's body. Good conformation means that the horse has a desirable physical build. Bad conformation means a horse has a physical sturcture that may predispose him to injury, or be uncomfortable to ride.

"Definition of Canter"
Definition: English riding term for a three beat mode of forward movement. It is the only gait at which there is a moment that all four feet are above the ground. The footfall is the same as a gallop, but more controlled.
Pronunciation: k an t er (short a and e sounds)
Also Known As: Western equivalent of lope. Slow gallop.
Examples: The Arabians cantered into the show ring wearing their spectacular costumes.

Definition: A two wheeled horse drawn vehicle.
Pronunciation: kärt
Also Known As: vehicle
Examples: The little pony was hitched to a cart and driven down the trail.

"Definition of Cinch"
Definition: A broad strap most often made of leather, string or webbing, that goes around the horse to secure the saddle.
Pronunciation: s i nch (short i sound)
Also Known As: English riding equivalent: girth
Examples: The cowhand tightened the cinch so that the saddle would not shift while roping cattle.

"Definition of Coldblood"
Definition: Any large boned, heavily muscled horse breed developed to pull or carry large loads. They often have calm temperaments.
Pronunciation: cold blud
Examples: Coldblooded horses are often gentle giants of the horse world

Definition: Colic is not an illness, but an indication of illness. A horse that has colic may:

* be seen to bite at or kick at its own flanks
* roll violently
* appear dull and listless
* break out in sweat
* have increased pulse and breathing rates
* have no appetite
* stand with its legs stretched out
* paw
* lie down and get up repeatedly
* not pass any manure or gas

The vet should be called when a horse shows signs of colic.
Pronunciation: k al ik (a is in father)
Examples: They called the veterinarian when they saw the horse exhibit signs of colic.

"Definition of Colt"
Definition: An uncastrated male horse, pony, donkey or mule under two years of age.
Pronunciation: k o lt (long o sound--rhymes with bolt)
Also Known As: Incorrectly used as a synonym for foal.
Examples: The colts and fillys played in the paddock while their mothers grazed nearby.

"Definition of Concentrate"
Definition: Any mixture of grains, cereals, and minerals used to supplement a horse or pony diet.
Pronunciation: kon sen trat
Also Known As: grain, rations
Examples: The horses were fed their concentrate and mineral supplement promptly at 8:00AM and 6:00PM.

"Definition of Crib, Cribber or Cribbing"
Definition: A cribber is a horse that grabs a solid object with its teeth while gulping air into its stomach. Cribbing is known as a stable vice or bad habit.
Pronunciation: kr i b (short i sound)
Also Known As: windsucking
Examples: His new horse had only one vice; he would crib if kept in a stall.​


♘ مدیریت انجمن اسب ایران ♞
Definitions of Horse Terms Beginning With D

Definition: Any cold blooded large horses breed, or heavy boned pony developed to pull or carry large loads.
Pronunciation: dr a ft (short a sound)
Also Known As: draught
Examples: The draft ponies pulled the sledge filled with logs.

Definition: A style or riding derived from cavalry methods that teaches responsiveness and athleticism to horse and rider using prescribed choreography and exercises.
Pronunciation: dre s ah ze (rhymes with massage)
Also Known As: Haute Ecole
Examples: The rider guided her horse through the complicated dressage test.

"Drive, Driving"
Definition: The act of controlling a horse that is pulling a conveyance such as buggy, cart, wagon, or sleigh.
Pronunciation: dr i v (long i sound)
Also Known As: in harness
Examples: One of the entries in the parade will be local businessman driving his team of miniature horses.​


♘ مدیریت انجمن اسب ایران ♞
Definitions of Horse Terms Beginning With E

"Definition of Easy Keeper"
Definition: A horse that gains or maintains weight easily on the minimum required food is said to be an easy keeper. Many times an easy keeper will not need concentrates, or rich hay to stay in top (or even too fat) condition. Some easier keepers, especially ponies would benefit from a restricted diet to prevent obesity.
Also Known As: hardy, thrifty

"A definition of equine as used when discussing horses or ponies."
Definition: Horse or pony, or pertaining to horses or ponies. Belonging to the family equidae that includes ponies, donkeys, mules, horses, zebras, asses, and mules.
Pronunciation: ek wine (short e sound) or eek wine (long e sound)
Examples: Many horse sports are open to equines of all types.

"Equitation "

Definition: The art of horseback riding.
Pronunciation: ek wi ta shun
Examples: The riding instructor insisted on teaching her students the basics of good equitation so they could ride safely and not hurt their horses.​


♘ مدیریت انجمن اسب ایران ♞
Definitions of Horse Terms Beginning With F

"Definition of Forge or Forging"
Definition: When a horse hits the bottom of a forehoof with a rear toe it is called forgin. Forging can be caused by fatigue, poor conformation, lack of balance or overgrown hooves or shoes.

A forge is the small furnace the farrier uses to heat shoes for hot shoeing.

Forage sounds similiar but refers to bulky feeds such as hay or grass.
Also Known As: This is similiar to over reaching, but the toe hits the hoof, rather than the pastern or fetlock.

Definition: A female horse under four years of age is called a filly. A female horse over the age of four years is called a mare.
Pronunciation: fill ee
Also Known As: Horses under four are sometimes incorrectly called colts.
Examples: The mare had a new born filly by her side.

Definition: A tradesperson trained in hoof care and horse shoeing.
Pronunciation: fair ee er
Also Known As: blacksmith
Examples: The farrier removed the pony's worn shoes and trimmed its feet.

Definition: Horse's teeth grow to replace worn surfaces until they reach old age. Often teeth will develop sharp edges where they are not ground down as the horse chews. Most often performed by an equine dentist or veterinarian, floating the teeth files off any sharp 'hooks' or overgrown teeth.
Pronunciation: fl o t (long o sound)
Also Known As: Filing
Examples: The veterinarian used a small rasp to file sharp hooks from horse's overgrown teeth.

Definition: A baby horse, donkey, mule, zebra or pony under one year old.
Pronunciation: fol (long 'o' sound)
Also Known As:

* colt is a male foal
* filly is a female foal

Examples: The colt and filly played in the field while their mothers grazed the grass.

Definition: Any food source such as hay that provides the major bulk of a horse’s or pony’s diet.
Pronunciation: f a d er (a is in father)
Also Known As: hay, forage​


♘ مدیریت انجمن اسب ایران ♞
Definitions of Horse Terms Beginning With G

"Definition of Grazing"
Definition: A horse that is foraging for grass in a pasture is said to be grazing.
Also Known As: Foraging, cropping
Examples: The horses grazed in the field.

"Defintion of Gaited"
Definition: A horse that performs a foot fall pattern outside the normal walk, trot/jog, canter/lope sequence is said to be gaited. If a horse single foots, ambles, paces, tolts, or does a running walk or rack is ‘gaiting’.
Pronunciation: g a t (long a sound)
Common Misspellings: gate, gated
Examples: The Kentuck Mountain Horse, a gaited breed, provides its rider with a very smooth ride.

"Gelding, Geld"
Definition: A gelding is a castrated male horse. Unless a horse is to be used for breeding purposes they should be castrated. This can make them more even tempered. A stallion who is gelded later in live will retain more stallion-like behaviors.
Pronunciation: g e l d (short e) (hard g)
Also Known As: castrated

"Gallop "
Definition: Fastest mode of forward movement often with four beats as the legs stretch out to gain speed. Similar to a canter, but the strides are longer.
Pronunciation: g a l up (short a sound)
Examples: The endurance racers galloped their horses across the finish line.

"Girth "
Definition: A broad strap that goes around the horse to secure the saddle.
Pronunciation: g er th (rhymes with earth)
Also Known As: cinch
Examples: To prepare for the jumping at the horse show, she tightened the girth so the saddle would not slip.

Definition: A horse of unknown breeding, or a crossbred.
Pronunciation: gr aid
Also Known As: unregistered

"Green Broke or Green"
Definition: Just learning to accept saddle, bridle, and rider or harness and vehicle.
Examples: The filly was green broke.​


♘ مدیریت انجمن اسب ایران ♞
Definitions of Horse Terms Beginning With H

"Definition of Hogged"
Definition: This is one of those words that may mean one thing to one person and another to someone else. In some areas when the horse's mane is shaved off it is said to be hogged. In some areas hogging is when a horse ducks its head down and forward, pulling the reins through the rider's hands. This is also called rooting, hog rooting or pig rooting in some places. A hogged mane may also be referred to as roached mane.
Pronunciation: h aw g
Also Known As: Roached
Examples: Because the pony's mane was too thick to braid they decided to hog it for the show instead.

Definition: The proper riding apparel, most often worn during competition, comprising of boots, helmet, shirt, tie or stock and appropriate jacket.
Pronunciation: h a bit (short a sound)
Examples: While at the show the rider took care to keep his habit from getting dirty.

"Trailer, Trailering"
Definition: Towed behind another vehicle, trailers allow horse owners to safely convey horses from one place to another. Many different designs of horse trailers exist, but all are designed with the strength to hold the weight of one or more horse, and safety in mind. Trailering a horse is to put it into a trailer and take it somewhere.
Pronunciation: tr ail er (ail as in sail)
Also Known As: trailering is also known as hauling
Examples: The girls trailered their horses to the competition.

"Definition of Jog"
Definition: A two beat mode of forward movement that is very smooth and carries the rider or pulls a vehicle with minimal jostling. A very slow trot.
Also Known As: sitting trot
Examples: To follow the herds of cattle calmly, comfortably and slowly, cattle hands trained their horses to jog.

"Hand "
Definition: A four inch measurement used to calculate the height of horse or pony at the top of the shoulder (withers). A hand is the approximate width of a man’s hand.
Pronunciation: h and (rhymes with band)
Alternate Spellings: often abbreviated to HH
Examples: The little pony was only 11 hands high, whereas the huge draft horse was 17 hands high.

Definition: Configuration of straps that enables a horse be attached to, and pull a load.
Pronunciation: h âr n es
Examples: The workhorses leaned into the harness to pull the plow through the field.


Definition: Straps that buckle around the horse or pony's head to facilitate tying and leading.
Pronunciation: h ed st oll
Also Known As: Halter


Definition: A very energetic and forward moving horse. Hot horses may also be inclined to spook and shy at strange objects more readily than a quieter horse.
Pronunciation: h ah t
Examples: Too much concentrate and too little exercise made the horse too hot for his rider to handle.​


♘ مدیریت انجمن اسب ایران ♞
Definitions of Horse Terms Beginning With I

"Inside Leg"
Definition: The legs of horse or rider on the inside of a circle or bend.
Examples: While circling right the rider's inside leg is the right.

Definition: The strong forward, but contained movement of a horse while being ridden.
Pronunciation: im pul shun (short vowel sounds)​


♘ مدیریت انجمن اسب ایران ♞
Definitions of Horse Terms Beginning With J

"Definition of Jog"
Definition: A two beat mode of forward movement that is very smooth and carries the rider or pulls a vehicle with minimal jostling. A very slow trot.
Also Known As: sitting trot
Examples: To follow the herds of cattle calmly, comfortably and slowly, cattle hands trained their horses to jog.​


♘ مدیریت انجمن اسب ایران ♞
Definitions of Horse Terms Beginning With K

"Dressage Kur"
Definition: A kur is a dressage test that is ridden to instrumental music.
Pronunciation: ker​


♘ مدیریت انجمن اسب ایران ♞
Definitions of Horse Terms Beginning With L

Definition: A canter, or lope is a three beat gait. The footfall pattern when circling to the right should be left hind, right hindleg, left fore (almost at the same time), right foreleg . When circling right, the right legs will be reaching further forward. As these legs contact the ground they push the horse forward and there is a moment of suspension.

On a right lead the right foreleg reaches further than the left. This is called a 'right lead'. The left lead is mirror to the right lead. On a left circle the left legs will reach forward further. The lead is easiest to see by watching the forelegs.

It is desirable to have the horse on the correct lead for the circle as this helps with balance. Riding a circle on the wrong lead intentionally is called a 'counter canter'.
Pronunciation: l ee d
Examples: The horse lost its balance and stumbled in the barrel race because it was on the wrong lead.

"Lead Rope"
Definition: A rope with a snap on one end, about 6 feet long, attached to the halter and used to lead and tie horses or ponies. Leads can be made of leather or synthetic materials.
Pronunciation: leed rope
Also Known As: lead shank
Examples: The girl snapped the cotton lead rope onto the pony's halter to lead it into the barn.

"Longe Line"
Definition: A longe line is a long strap of webbing or leather with a snap at one end. Used in training and exercising the horse. The handler stands in the middle as the horse circles around him about 20 feet away and ideally is responding to voice commands.
Pronunciation: l un ge (rhymes with sponge)
Alternate Spellings: lunge
Examples: To allow the young horse to burn off excess energy before being ridden, the trainer lunged it for several minutes.

Definition: Western riding term for a slow relaxed gallop.
Pronunciation: l o p (long o sound)
Examples: In the show ring the western riders were asked to lope while the English riders cantered.​


♘ مدیریت انجمن اسب ایران ♞
Definitions of Horse Terms Beginning With M

"Mucking Out"
Definition: Picking out soiled bedding and manure from a stall, or paddock. Cleaning a stall.
Examples: To earn extra riding time the girls offered to muck out stalls.

Definition: A female horse over four years of age. A female horse under four years of age is called a filly.
Pronunciation: m air
Examples: The mare grazed in the pasture with her foal by her side.


Definition: Either a horse or pony, or the act of getting on a horse.
Pronunciation: m ow nt
Examples: Because his horse was very tall, he climbed on a large rock to mount.​


♘ مدیریت انجمن اسب ایران ♞
Definitions of Horse Terms Beginning With N

Definition: The left side of the horse.
Examples: The rider properly mounts on the nearside, although it is handy to be able to mount on the offside as well.

Definition: A pad that goes under the saddle to keep the saddle clean and to cushion the horse's or pony's back.
Pronunciation: num na (short u sound ah as in father)
Also Known As: saddle pad, pad, saddle blanket
Examples: The wool numnah protected the saddle and cushioned the horse's back.

"Natural Aids"
Definition: Use of hands, voice, mind, legs and body to communicate with the horse or pony while riding.
Examples: In basic training the horse should learn to respond quickly to natural aids.​


♘ مدیریت انجمن اسب ایران ♞
Definitions of Horse Terms Beginning With O

" Definition of Over Reaching"

Definition: When a horse hits the back of a front pastern with a rear toe it is called over reaching. Over reaching can cause injury that ranges from ruffled hair, bruising or bleeding cuts. Over reaching can be caused by fatigue, poor conformation, lack of balance, poor muscle tone, poor shoeing or loose shoes or overgrown hooves.
Also Known As: Interfering

Definition: The initials OTTB stand for 'off the track Thoroughbred'. Off the track Thoroughbreds are ex-race horses.
Also Known As: ex-race horse

"Outside Leg"
Definition: The legs of horse or rider on the outside of a circle or bend.
Examples: While circling right the rider's out side leg is the left.


Definition: The right side of the horse.
Examples: The rider properly mounts on the left or nearside, although it is handy to be able to mount on the offside as well.​


♘ مدیریت انجمن اسب ایران ♞
Definitions of Horse Terms Beginning With P

"Definition of Packer"
Definition: A horse that is calm, doesn't spook and is very obedient may be referred to as a packer. It sounds like a negative term, but if you are looking for a quiet riding horse the promise of a packer in an advertisement may indicate a horse worth looking at.

"Definition of Pace"
Definition: The pace is a two beat gait with the legs on either side of the horse moving together at the same time. American Standardbreds are raced at the pace and this gait has proved faster than a trot. Icelandic Horses pace and are raced under saddle at this gait. The pace will roll the rider sideways back and forth in the saddle slightly. Some riders find this disconcerting, while some find it quite comfortable. The pace is usually done on a track and rarely used over rough footing.
Pronunciation: p a s (long a sound)

Definition: Generally any horse under 14.2 hands (58 inches/145cm) high at the withers. Various breeds and disciplines may differ in the height which they categorize ponies. Many Western disciplines may define a pony as under 14 HH and English ponies are under 14.2 HH.
Pronunciation: p o nee (long o sound)

"Definition of Paw"
Definition: Pawing is when the horse lifts one forefoot and strikes forward repeatedly. Usually in response to boredom or impatience.
Pronunciation: pa (short a sound as in father)
Examples: The horse pawed impatiently as it waited for its supper.​


♘ مدیریت انجمن اسب ایران ♞
Definitions of Horse Terms Beginning With Q

"Quiet "
Definition: A horse or pony that is calm and mannerly.
Pronunciation: kw i et (long i sound)
Examples: Her first horse was a very quiet older Quarter Horse.​


♘ مدیریت انجمن اسب ایران ♞
Definitions of Horse Terms Beginning With R

"Definition of Rooting"
Definition: A horse that ducks its head down and stretches its neck forward, pulling the reins through the rider's hands is said to be rooting. Also called hogging. Some horses learn that they can disobey their riders with this maneuver. To prevent the horse from rooting, the rider must be able to keep the horse moving with clear leg aids.
Also Known As: Hogging, pulling, pig rooting, hog rooting

"Definition of Roaring"
Definition: Problems with the respiratory system, especially the larynx can cause a horse to make a roaring noise, especially when cantering or galloping. Roaring may be annoying but relativly harmless in a pleasure horse if the cause is known and taken care of. Some horses make a snorting noise with each stride of the canter or lope. However, sudden roaring, or roaring in a performance horse needs veterinary attention. Have your veterinarian check your horse if it roars to be sure that no medical treatment is required.

"Definition of Roached"
Definition: When the horse's mane is shaved off it is said to be roached. Also known as hogged.
Pronunciation: r o ch (long o sound)
Also Known As: Hogged
Examples: Because the horse's mane was so entangled in burrs they decided to roach it rather than try to pull them all out.

"Definiton of Rosette"
Definition: A rosette is a prize made of a bow of ribbons and streamers often awarded at horse shows. In some countries first prize is traditionally a blue rosette and other countries first prize can be red or orange.
Also Known As: Ribbon​


♘ مدیریت انجمن اسب ایران ♞
Definitions of Horse Terms Beginning With S

"Definition of Star Gazing"
Definition: A horse that carries its head too high is said to be star gazing. This is most often caused by poor riding skills or poorly fitting tack. Often star gazers will develop thick muscles along the underside of their neck. The muscles over the top of the neck will be poorly developed. Over time, a star gazer's back muscles will weaken and the back may drop resulting in a swayed back. This is referred to as 'inverted' carriage. Correct riding and tack can prevent this problem if the horse is taught to carry itself in proper frame.
Also Known As: Inverted

"Definition of School Master"
Definition: The horses that dependably, quietly and obediently carry learning riders during lessons may be called school masters. Quite often these are older horses whose competition days are behind them. But their knowledge makes them the ideal mount for someone who wants to learn new skills. A retired school master may make the perfect first horse for a beginner.

"Defintion of Single Foot"
Definition: Depending on the breed of horse you are talking about this may also be called a slow gait, stepping pace, or amble. These have a footfall pattern similar to a walk and are comfortable to ride because there is a minimum of bounce.
Also Known As: Depending on the breed and local vernacular single foot gaits may be called running walk, tolt and other variations.

Definition: A stall is a small room where a horse lives while he is kept indoors in a stable or barn. Standing stalls are wide enough for the horse to stand and lie down comfortably. The horse is tied at the front of the stall and is not able to turn around. Feed and water are placed within reach in front of the horse. A box stall or loose box allows the horse to move around and are usually a minimum of 10'x12' depending on the size of the horse. A foaling stall will be several feet wider. There should be ample room for the mare as she gives birth and when the foal arrives, there is plenty of room for the pair to move around or lie down.
Pronunciation: s t aw l (a as in father)
Also Known As: loose box, foaling box
Examples: The foal slept stretched out in the straw as the mare stood over him in the stall.


Definition: To run out sideways away from an object that is scaring a horse.
Pronunciation: shi (long i sound)
Examples: The young horse spooked at the blanket waving on the clothes line.

Definition: To run out sideways away from an object that is scaring a horse.
Also Known As: shy
Examples: The young horse spooked at the blanket waving on the clothes line.

Definition: A structure of natural or man made materials that is strapped onto a horse’s or pony’s back to facilitate the rider’s comfort and balance and distribute weight evenly on the horse’s back.

The act of placing a saddle on a horse's back.
Pronunciation: s a dl (short a sound)
Examples: The cattle hand rode on his horse in a comfortable Western style saddle.
She saddled her horse to go for a ride.

Definition: Stirrups are usually made of metal or wood and hang off straps on either side of the saddle for the rider’s feet to rest in. They aid the rider’s balance while riding.
Pronunciation: sterup
Common Misspellings: stirup
Examples: Break-away or safety stirrups will prevent the rider's feet from becoming caught if the rider falls.​


♘ مدیریت انجمن اسب ایران ♞
Definitions of Horse Terms Beginning With T

"Definition of Tölt"
Definition: The tölt is a gait exhibited by Icelandic Horses. It is a ‘rack’ or ‘running walk’ with the same footfall pattern as a walk. While tolting, horses do not exhibit the same animation and high knee action as many other breeds. This is a very forward moving but smooth gait that can carry a rider comfortably over rough ground.
Pronunciation: t o lt (long o sound)
Examples: When riding in Iceland rider may find themselves tölting over the rough ground on a sturdy Icelandic horse.

Definition: Any equipment used to ride a horse, such as saddle, girths, cinches, bridles, martingales.
Pronunciation: tak (rhymes with pack)
Also Known As: equipment
Examples: She was excited to go shopping in the tack shop for a brand new saddle.

"Trailer, Trailering"

Definition: Towed behind another vehicle, trailers allow horse owners to safely convey horses from one place to another. Many different designs of horse trailers exist, but all are designed with the strength to hold the weight of one or more horse, and safety in mind. Trailering a horse is to put it into a trailer and take it somewhere.
Pronunciation: tr ail er (ail as in sail)
Also Known As: trailering is also known as hauling
Examples: The girls trailered their horses to the competition.​