Breed Type and Standard


♘ مدیریت انجمن اسب ایران ♞
The breed type and standard was drawn up by the committee of the International Caspian Stud Book in consultation with Louise Firouz.

General Appearence
The Caspian is a horse, not a pony, and therefore should be viewed in the same manner as when judging a Thoroughbred, i.e. the limbs body and head should all be in proportion to each other. Foreshortened limbs or a head out of proportion are faults. The overall impression should be of a well bred, elegant horse in miniature.

Almond shape, large, dark, set low, often prominent.
Large, low set, finely chiselled, capable of considerable dilation during action.
Short, wide apart, alert, finely drawn, often noticeably in-pricked at the tips.
Wide, vaulted forehead (in most cases the parietal bones do not form a crest but remain open to the occipital crest). Frontal bone should blend into nasal bone in a pleasing slope. Very deep, prominent cheek bones and great width between cheekbones where they join at throat. Head tapers to a fine, firm muzzle.
Long, supple neck with a finely modelled throat latch.
Shoulders and Withers
Long, sloping, well modelled, with good wither.
Characteristically slim with deep girth. Chest width in proportion to width of body- it is a fault to have both legs out of the same hole. Close coupled, with well-defined hindquarters and good 'saddle space'.
Long and sloping from hip to point of buttocks. Great length from stifle to hock.
Owing to their mountain origin Caspians may have more angled hock than lowland breeds.
Characteristically slender with dense, flat bone and flat knees. Good slope to pasterns, neither upright nor over-sloping.
Both front and back are oval and neat, with immensely strong wall and sole, and very little frog.
Coat, Skin and Hair
Skin thin, fine and supple, dark except under white markings. Coat silky and flat, often with iridescent sheen in summer. Thick winter coat. Mane and tail abundant but fine and silky. Mane usually lies flat (as in Thoroughbreds) but can grow to great lengths. Tail carried gaily in action. Limbs generally clean with little or no feathering at the fetlock.
All colours, except piebald or skewbald (pinto). Greys will go through many shades of roan before fading to near white at maturity.
Varies with feeding, care and climate. Recorded specimens have ranged from under 10 hands to over 13 hands. Growth rate in the young is extremely rapid with the young Caspian making most of its height in the first 18 months. filling out with maturity.

Natural floating action at all gaits. Long, low swinging trot with spectacular use of the shoulder. Smooth, rocking canter, rapid flat gallop. Naturally light and agile with exceptional jumping ability.

Highly intelligent and alert, but very kind and willing.​