

♘ مدیریت انجمن اسب ایران ♞
This type of horse is mentioned in the chronicles as of the XVIIe century, time of the creation of the fair to the foalta of Desvres. Of aucuns make go up the birth of this race to the cavalry of César, gone up in Eastern horses of Numidie and gathered in 54 av.JC close to Boulogne to embark towards England. This Eastern blood was retempered thereafter on several occasions, at the time of the crusades, the Spanish occupation or the first empire. One distinguished 2 types from Bolted - first of all the model of the “wholesale fish merchants”, light enduring, very appreciated with XVIIe and XVIIIe centuries for the fast transport of fish, the “tide”, from Boulogne-sur-Mer in Paris. - then, that of a large and powerful, worked horse at the XIXe century for the work of the grounds with beets and their cartage.

Boulonnais reproducers are listed in several departments of the North-West, mainly Pas-de-Calais, North, Somme, Seine-Maritime and Oise. Formerly, the heart of the breeding was located in bottom Boulonnais, cradle of the race (in particular Marquise), whose argillaceous basement rich in phosphates allowed the development of strong skeletons of animals of big size. The top Bolted, cradle of the wholesale fish merchants to the permeable chalky plates and the hard winters, from which are resulting from the lighter models, Calaisis, producing horses of a greater width and the area of Street, in the south of Bolted, giving strong horses. Today, weak manpower make of it a race in genetic conservation unfortunately deprived of cattle-breeding area abroad.

Energetic, active, with the brilliant paces, Bolted it is an excellent horse of utility traction or prestige. It is very appreciated for the elegance of its attachments and takes part successfully in assembled races and competitions of attachment. A race of 24 hours endurance is now organized every two years, at the beginning of September, from Boulogne-sur-Mer in Paris: the road of fish.

Bolted is a draught horse of a great distinction. The standard of today, of a size of 1,50 m to more than 1,70 m, reveals a head elegant, short, with the broad and flat face, the very sharp eye of a great pride, quite open naseaux, the small and mobile ears. The neck is often coiled, thick and muscular, the mane double, bulky, not very long. The breast piece is broad, the quite round coasts, the perfectly left shoulders, the garrot well placed, but often drowned in the musculature. The back is right, the members strong, muscular, the clear and solid articulations, the opened bulges, the short guns, the ends little provided in hairs. The dress is gray, of very clearly with dappled dark, more rarely alezane.​