♘ مدیریت انجمن اسب ایران ♞
There is no mistaking an Arabian horse. There majestic beauty and stature are known throughout the world, and are one of the most popular breeds of horses alive today. They are also one of the oldest breeds ever on record, and have gone through a tremendous amount of change to get to the Arabian horse of modern day. Today’s Arabians are a mixture of careful breeding and evolution. Historically, they were known for their hardiness. They were able to withstand extreme heat, wind, and drought where other horse breeds fell short. Today, they are bred mainly for sport, but their historical roots are still visible in their overall appearance.
As the name implies, Arabian horses originated in the Middle East. There is some debate over just how long Arabian horses have been around however, but many historians date them back to around 2000 B.C. Historians have found evidence of Arabian horses in cave drawings, as well as actual bone fragments of the horses. The ruler of Israel, King Solomon, was the first one to capture the horses and domesticate them. It was said that King Solomon, housed over 40,000 Arabians during his reign. Later, Bedouin tribes began breeding Arabians, and they worked hard to preserve the blood line and keep it pure. Detailed records of each horse and pedigree were kept to ensure purity in the line.
Today’s Arabians
While Arabian horses began as a hardy breed that could withstand the harsh climate of the desert, they are now mostly breed for sport. Breeders must pay special attention to the gait of the horses, and strive for a horse that moves with speed and agility. There are many organizations in place around the world, whose sole purpose is to promote the breeding of Arabians. They are no longer desired in the desert climates, and are typically found in America.
Physical Attributes
Arabians are known for their pose and beauty. Some of the characteristics of the Arabian breed include:
* Delicate head with large, prominent eyes
* A high-set, arched neck
* High tail carriage
* Short, straight back
* Long, pronounced withers
* Muscular, deep and broad chest
* Long, sloping shoulders
* Muscular legs with strong joints and clearly defined tendons
* Small hooves, wide at the heel
* Usually stands between 14.2 and 15 hands high
* Can be chestnut, gray, bay, or black
* White markings on face and legs are common
* Fine, silky coat over black skin.
* Full mane and tail.
Famous Arabians
Arabians begin their claim to fame by being superior war horses in the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries. Louis XV and Napoleon swore by Arabian war horses during battle. The hearty breed could withstand harsh weather and stressors where other breeds would fall short. Throughout the years, many have followed in their footsteps making their imprint in both war and in the show ring.
When you look at an Arabian horse, it is important to remember its past as well as its future. The breed has come a long way since those early years in the desert, and are now considered one of the most popular breeds of horse ever to walk a show ring. They truly are a treat to witness.
As the name implies, Arabian horses originated in the Middle East. There is some debate over just how long Arabian horses have been around however, but many historians date them back to around 2000 B.C. Historians have found evidence of Arabian horses in cave drawings, as well as actual bone fragments of the horses. The ruler of Israel, King Solomon, was the first one to capture the horses and domesticate them. It was said that King Solomon, housed over 40,000 Arabians during his reign. Later, Bedouin tribes began breeding Arabians, and they worked hard to preserve the blood line and keep it pure. Detailed records of each horse and pedigree were kept to ensure purity in the line.
Today’s Arabians
While Arabian horses began as a hardy breed that could withstand the harsh climate of the desert, they are now mostly breed for sport. Breeders must pay special attention to the gait of the horses, and strive for a horse that moves with speed and agility. There are many organizations in place around the world, whose sole purpose is to promote the breeding of Arabians. They are no longer desired in the desert climates, and are typically found in America.
Physical Attributes
Arabians are known for their pose and beauty. Some of the characteristics of the Arabian breed include:
* Delicate head with large, prominent eyes
* A high-set, arched neck
* High tail carriage
* Short, straight back
* Long, pronounced withers
* Muscular, deep and broad chest
* Long, sloping shoulders
* Muscular legs with strong joints and clearly defined tendons
* Small hooves, wide at the heel
* Usually stands between 14.2 and 15 hands high
* Can be chestnut, gray, bay, or black
* White markings on face and legs are common
* Fine, silky coat over black skin.
* Full mane and tail.
Famous Arabians
Arabians begin their claim to fame by being superior war horses in the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries. Louis XV and Napoleon swore by Arabian war horses during battle. The hearty breed could withstand harsh weather and stressors where other breeds would fall short. Throughout the years, many have followed in their footsteps making their imprint in both war and in the show ring.
When you look at an Arabian horse, it is important to remember its past as well as its future. The breed has come a long way since those early years in the desert, and are now considered one of the most popular breeds of horse ever to walk a show ring. They truly are a treat to witness.