توارث رنگ در اسب ها


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دوستان برای من جديداً جالب شده اين موضوع توارث رنگ در اسبها يعنی اينکه چه رنگی و چه نشانهای در اسب ها غالب هستند و کداميک مغلوب غالب يعنی اينکه حتماً کره به ارث ميبره مغلوب هم اينکه يعنی کره به ارث نميبره حالا يک سوال ديگه هم هست آيا غالب و مغلوبی در اسب مثل باقی حيوانات هست يا خير مثلاً ماديان که صفت مغلوب را داره با نريان که صفت غالب را داره صفات نريان به ارث ميرسه يا نه اينکه از هر دو با هم ترکيب ميشند صفات شان دوستان لطفاً در حد فنوتيپی توضيح بديد

مثلاً رنگ سفيد بر سياه غالب و مغلوب نيست بلکه نيله بوجود ميياد و ترکيب ميشه که فکر کنم مربوط بشه به توارث ملانين

البته سفيد زال يا البينيسم فرق ميکنه اونم جای بحث داره

ديگه اينکه يک بحثی که هست رنگ کره هست در ابتدا تولد و در سن بلوغ که تغيير ميکنه روی اين هم بحث کنيم

ديگه اينکه اينجا در مورد رنگ و نشانها هست اگه در مورد چيز های ديگه هم کسی ميدونه توضيح بده مثلاً من خودم در مورد برخی بيماريها ميدونم که تعداديش در ايران نيست و تعداديش هم مربوط به اسب عرب هست که برای شما جالب خواهد بود ولی ابتدا رنگ ها رو بحث کنيم

دوستان لطفاً اطلاعاتی که داريد يا از جای ديگه گرفتيد رو با ما تقسيم کنيد



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بعضي از رنگها دايمي بوده و بدون هيچ تغييري از بدو تولد تا مرگ وجود دارند و در بعضي نيز همزمان با بالا رفتن سن اسب، رنگها دچار تغيير ميگردند. به آندسته از رنگها که تغيير نمي کنند "رنگ اصلي" يا "رنگ ساده" و به رنگهاي قابل تغيير "رنگ مرکب" يا "رنگ جانبي" اطلاق مي گردد.

رنگهاي کرنگ، طلايي، سياه، کهر و سمند جزو رنگهاي اصلي و تمامي رنگهاي نيله، موشي، خاکستري و ابرش از رنگهاي مرکبند.


- جزوه رنگها و علايم در اسب اصيل، وزارت جهاد کشاورزي، اداره کل پرورش و اصلاح نژاد دام، به اهتمام مهندس پيش نماز زاده، پاييز ۱۳۷۵
امیرجان اگر ممکنه رفرنس ها رو ارائه کنید.من هم مشتاقم,هر چه گسترده تر ,بهتر.


♘ مدیریت انجمن اسب ایران ♞
خوب شروع میکنیم با مباحث اولیه
بعد میرسیم به ایننکه چه رنگی روی چه رنگی اثر داره

Equine coat color genetics determine a horse's coat color. There are many different coat colors possible, but all colors are produced by the action of only a few different genes. The simplest genetic default color of all domesticated horses can be described as either "red" or "non-red", depending on whether a gene known as the "Extension" gene is present . When no other genes are active, a "red" horse is the color popularly known as a chestnut. Black coat color occurs when the Extension gene is present, but no other genes are acting on coat color.The Agouti gene can be recognized only in "non-red" horses; it determines whether black color is uniform, creating a black horse, or limited to the extremities of the body, creating a bay horse.

Chestnut, black, and bay are considered the three "base" colors that all remaining coat color genes act upon. There are a number of dilution genes that lighten these three colors in a variety of ways, sometimes affecting skin and eyes as well as hair coat. Genes that affect the distribution of white and pigmented coat, skin and eye color create patterns such as roan, pinto, leopard, white, and even white markings. Some of these patterns may be the result of a single gene, others may be influenced by multiple alleles, Finally the gray gene, which acts differently from other coat color genes, slowly lightens any other hair coat color to white over a period of years, without changing skin or eye color​


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خوب اينو خواندم خوب بود مطلبش ترجمه کنيم يا نه بريم نکست لول ???
♘ امیرحسین ♞ گفت:
خوب شروع میکنیم با مباحث اولیه
بعد میرسیم به ایننکه چه رنگی روی چه رنگی اثر داره

Equine coat color genetics determine a horse's coat color. There are many different coat colors possible, but all colors are produced by the action of only a few different genes. The simplest genetic default color of all domesticated horses can be described as either "red" or "non-red", depending on whether a gene known as the "Extension" gene is present . When no other genes are active, a "red" horse is the color popularly known as a chestnut. Black coat color occurs when the Extension gene is present, but no other genes are acting on coat color.The Agouti gene can be recognized only in "non-red" horses; it determines whether black color is uniform, creating a black horse, or limited to the extremities of the body, creating a bay horse.

Chestnut, black, and bay are considered the three "base" colors that all remaining coat color genes act upon. There are a number of dilution genes that lighten these three colors in a variety of ways, sometimes affecting skin and eyes as well as hair coat. Genes that affect the distribution of white and pigmented coat, skin and eye color create patterns such as roan, pinto, leopard, white, and even white markings. Some of these patterns may be the result of a single gene, others may be influenced by multiple alleles, Finally the gray gene, which acts differently from other coat color genes, slowly lightens any other hair coat color to white over a period of years, without changing skin or eye color​
با توجه به این می تونیم بگیم که Extention gene,(E یا Agouti به غیر از اسب های کرنگ ,سفیدوسمند یال ودم طلایی تقریبا" در تمام اسبها وجود داره؟
ایا من درست فهمیدم یا اینکه در اسب های ذکرشده هم به صورت نهفته ممکن است منتقل شده باشد؟


♘ مدیریت انجمن اسب ایران ♞
Fundamental concepts and terminology
There are currently two major theories of equine coat color genetics: those based on the work of the late Dr. Ann T. Bowling of the University of California, Davis and of Dr. Phillip Sponenberg of Virginia Polytechnic Institute. These theories overlap, and have more similarities than differences.

Modern discussions of horse coat color genetics are based on the distinction between "red" and "non-red" coats, a factor determined by a single gene. More detailed discussions of coat color all refer to the differing effects of separate genes on these "base" coat colors.

Coat color alleles affect melanin, the pigment or coloring of the coat. There are two chemically distinct types of melanin: phaeomelanin, which is perceived as red to yellow color, and eumelanin, is perceived as brown to black. All coloration genes in mammals affect either the production or distribution of these two chemicals. Alleles affecting melanocytes (pigment cells) do not alter the pigment chemicals themselves but rather by acting on the placement of pigment cells produce distinct patterns of unpigmented pink skin and corresponding white hair.

Genes appear in sets of two, with each individual gene "option" being called an allele. The terms Alleles and Modifiers are used interchangeably and describe the same concept. An allele identified with a capital letter is a dominant gene, one identified with a lower-case letter is a recessive gene. Because sex cells (sperm and ova) contain only half the usual number of chromosomes, each parent contributes one allele in each gene set to the ensuing offspring. When an individual's gene set contains two copies of the same allele, it is called homozygous for that gene. When it has two different alleles, it is heterozygous. For a recessive gene to be expressed, it must be homozygous, but a dominant gene will be expressed whether it is heterozygous or homozygous. A horse homozygous for a certain allele will always pass it on to its offspring, while a horse that is heterozygous carries two different alleles and can pass on either one.​


♘ مدیریت انجمن اسب ایران ♞
oliveira گفت:
Agouti Gene
The A locus can be thought of as the gene that determines if a horse is bay or black, although other genes come into play. A horse that has at least one dominant "A" allele will be bay if it also possesses at least one "E" allele. A horse that is homozygous recessive for "a", that is "aa", will be black if it also possesses a "E" allele. All black horses are "EE or Ee and aa". WHY TEST- If a horse is homozygous for "e", it will have a sorrel or chestnut base coat regardless of what genes it carries at the A locus. Thus a chestnut horse may be able to produce blacks if it carries an "a" allele and is bred to another horse carrying the "a" allele and a "E". If a person has a black horse and wants to know if a breeding to a chestnut horse will produce a black, the black horse needs to tested for the E locus and the chestnut horse needs to be tested for the A locus. A black horse that tests homozygous for "a" must also be homozygous for "E" to produce 100% blacks/bays/buckskins.
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♘ مدیریت انجمن اسب ایران ♞
Extension controls whether or not true black pigment (eumelanin) can be formed in the hair. True black pigment may be restricted to the points, as in a bay, or uniformly distributed in a black coat. Horses capable of producing eumelanin in the hair may have a genotype of either E/E or E/e. Horses without the ability to produce eumelanin in the hair always have the genotype e/e, and are most often chestnut or "red". The e allele is also sometimes called "red factor" and can be identified through DNA testing. Horses homozygous E/E are sometimes called "homozygous black", however depending on the color of the mate, E/E status confers no guarantee of black-coated offspring; only that no offspring will be "red".

The Extension locus is occupied by the Melanocortin-1-receptor (Mc1r) gene, which encodes the eponymous protein. The MC1R protein straddles the membrane of pigment cells (melanocytes). MC1R picks up a chemical called alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (α-MSH), which is produced by the body, from outside the cell. When MC1R comes into contact with α-MSH, a complex reaction is triggered inside the cell, and the melanocyte begins to produce black-brown pigment (eumelanin). Without the stimulation of α-MSH, the melanocyte produces red-yellow pigment (pheomelanin) by default.

Various mutations in the human Mc1r gene result in red hair, blond hair, fair skin, and susceptibility to sundamaged skin and melanoma.Polymorphisms of Mc1r also lead to light or red coats in mice, cattle,and dogs, among others. The Extension locus was first suggested to have a role in horse coat color determination in 1974 by Stefan Adalsteinsson. Researchers at Uppsala University, Sweden, identified a missense mutation in the Mc1r gene that resulted in a loss-of-function of the MC1R protein. Without the ability to produce a functional MC1R protein, eumelanin production could not be initiated in the melanocyte, resulting in coats devoid of true black pigment. Since horses with only one copy of the defective gene were normal, the mutation was labeled e or sometimes Ee. A single copy of the wildtype allele, which encodes a fully-functional MC1R protein, is protective against the loss-of-function. The normal or wildtype allele is labeled E, or sometimes E+ or EE.

Extension Phenotypes

* E/E (+/+, E+/E+, EE/EE) wildtype, homozygous dominant. Visually, such horses are black, seal brown, bay, buckskin, perlino or smoky cream, bay dun or grullo, silver bay or silver black. Some horses with genes for gray or white spotting patterns may also have the modifier, but the color may be hidden or overlain by the loss of pigmentation. Horses that are E/E will always pass on a functional copy of the Mc1r gene to its offspring, and will never produce offspring with the e/e genotype.
* E/e (+/e, E+/Ee, EE/Ee) wildtype, heterozygous. Visually, the horse may also be any of the colors seen with the E/E genotype. However, they statistically will only pass on the Mc1Lr gene 50% of the time. In addition, a recent study that compared horse genotypes to their coat color phenotypes did find a statistically significant connection that suggested that lighter bay shades were heterozygous for the Extension mutation (E/e) and darker bay shades were homozygous.
* e/e (Ee/Ee) homozygous recessive. Visually, the horse may be any color in the "red" family: chestnut, palomino, cremello, red dun, gold champagne, gray, and so on. Paired with an e/e mate, such horses will only ever produce red-family coat colors. At birth, the skin may be pink and the eyes blue, but these traits disappear after a few days and the eyes and skin of adult red coated horses are unaffected by this allele. No health defects are associated with the e allele.​


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