Two Exercises to Improve Your Balance


♘ مدیریت انجمن اسب ایران ♞
Lynn Palm gives you two exercises for improving balance as she prepares you and your horse to ride Training Level, Test 1 in competition.

If you're like me, you love dressage because it's the basis of all good riding for any discipline. I teach many riders who, despite their fears, have dreams of being able to take their horses to a dressage show one day. I know how intimidating this can be, especially when you're surrounded by big warmbloods, but take heart.

In this multi-part series in Dressage Today, I'm going to get you started and help you prepare for one of the most basic dressage tests at a show--Training Level, Test 1. I'll demonstrate on one of my American Quarter Horses. I love them because of their quiet temperaments and forgiving natures, but of course, you can follow this program on any horse.

Our long-term goal is the same as the "Purpose" of the U.S. Equestrian Federation's (USEF) Training Level, Test 1: "To confirm that the horse's muscles are supple and loose, and that it moves freely forward in a clear and steady rhythm, accepting contact with the bit." This is written on the test and is the beginning of dressage training for your Quarter Horse (or any horse). To get there, our short-term goal for now is to work on your position. ("Rider Position" is scored on all dressage tests.) A well-balanced, steady position allows your horse to relax and become rhythmical in each gait.

Exercise 1: Leg Stretches
Begin this exercise mounted at the halt. Safety reminder: Be sure someone holds your horse's head while you perform this exercise. Also, cross your stirrups over the pommel so they are safely out of your way.

1. Grasp the cantle of your saddle.
2. Begin with the left leg.
3. Lift your leg up slowly with your knee bent and heel down.
4. Slowly bring it out over your horse's neck as far as you can while keeping your seat centered in the saddle.
5. Carefully bring your left leg back over the horse's neck and down. Repeat with your right leg.

Exercise 2: Arm Rotation
Begin this exercise mounted at the halt. Sit with your back straight and legs relaxed. Safety reminder: Be sure someone holds your horse's head while you perform this exercise.

1. Hold your arms outstretched at your sides, parallel to your shoulders.
2. Sight along your left arm and slowly twist your upper body back to the right.

3. Continue to twist your body to the right until your right arm is straight out behind you and your left arm points straight out in front of you.

4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 while twisting to the left.​

پیوست ها

  • legstretches12345_420.jpg
    55 کیلوبایت · بازدیدها: 3
  • armrotation23_420.jpg
    20.7 کیلوبایت · بازدیدها: 3
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تمرین1: کشش پا
این تمرین را سواره ودرایست کامل انجام دهید وجهت امنیت بیشتر از نگهداشتن سر اسب توسط فردی در روی زمین اطمینان حاصل نمایید.
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همین حرکت رابا پای چپ تکرار نمایید.
تمرین 2: چرخش بازوان
این تمرین را نیزدر ایست انجام دهید
باز وان خود را از کنار بدن باز کنید(در حالی که بالا تنه شما همچون شاخه های درخت به بالا کشیده می شود)م
این حرکت به تنهایی برای اصلاح کجی ها وافتادگی های یک طرفه اندام بسیارمفید است
ادامه حرکت را با چرخش بدن با تاب حرکتی بازوی راست به عقب وجابجایی بازوی چپ دنبال نمایید تا جاییکه بازوی راست درست در پشت شما وبازوی چپ در جلوی سینه شما قرار گیرد.
حرکت را به دوسمت تکرار کنید

انجام این حرکت در کشش عضلات بالاتنه (قفسه سینه و عضلات جانبی ومفصل نشیمن گاه و..)بسیار مفید بوده واصلاح کننده فروریخته گیهای بالاتنه در نشست است.
در انجام تمرینها از تنفس عمیق دریغ نکنید (تنفس در تمام بدن تا سرانگشتان پاو دست امتداد مییابد)م