
♘ مدیریت انجمن اسب ایران ♞
1Incisive bone (premaxillary)
2 Nasal bone
3 Maxillary bone
4 Mandible
5 Orbit
6 Frontal bone
7 Temporal fossa
8 Atlas (first cervical vertebra
9 Axis (2nd cervical vertebra
10 Cervical vertebrae (7 inc. Atlas and Axis
11 Scapular spine
12 Scapular cartilage
13 Scapula
14 Thoracic vertebrae (18 of these)
15 Lumbar vertebrae (6 of these
16 Tuber sacrale
17 Sacral vertebrae (5 fused together - sacrum
18 Coccygeal vertebrae
19 Shoulder joint
20 Ribs (18)
21 Costal arch
22 Tuber coxae
23 Ilium
24 Pubis
25 Hip joint
26 Femur (greater trochanter)
27 Tuber ischii
28 Ischium
29 Femur, third trochanter
30 Femur
31 Humerla tuberosity, lateral
32 Humerus
33 Sternum
34 Olecranon
35 Costal cartilages
36 Femoral trochlea
37 Stifle joint
38 Patella
39 Elbow joint
40 Ulna
41 Radius
42 CArpus
43 Metacarpus
44 Fetlock joint
45 Coffin joint
46 Accessory carpal bone
47 Small metarcarpal bone (splint bone)
48 Proximal sesamoid
49 First phalanx
50 Distal phalanx
51 Tibia
52 Talus (tibial tarsas bone)
53 Small Metatarsal (splint bone)
54 Metatarsus
55 Pastern joint
56 Fibula
57 Calcaneus (fibular tarsal)
58 Tarsus
59 Middle Phalanx (2nd phalanx)​

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