Stallion service auction planned for quake fundraiser

reza eslahi

Stallion service auction planned for quake fundraiser

February 24, 2011

An auction of stallion services is being planned by well-known Arabian horse breeder Barbara Poulter, with money raised going to the Canterbury earthquake appeal.
Poulter is appealing to stallion owners to consider donating a service to the auction.
All money from the auction will go to the earthquake appeal and any stallion may be nominated, she said.
"This auction will not be limited to purebred Arabians, it will be all breeds," she said.
"So, if you know of anyone else who would be willing to donate a service to their stallion, please contact me."
Once a site is set up, the auction will be publicised.
"This auction will only be for the service and does not include agistment, vet fees etc."
Those able to donate a service should specify whether it is natural, paddock or by artificial insemination.
The auction also has scope to include paintings, clothing, gear, photography, farriery and other items.

Barbara can be contacted at