Shoeing FAQ


♘ مدیریت انجمن اسب ایران ♞
Your horse’s feet should be as healthy and his gaits should stay the same as before shoeing. The farrier will either hot shoe by shaping pre-made shoes with a forge and anvil, fitting the shoe to the shape of the foot while the metal is hot, or cold shoe by shaping a pre-made shoe without heating. (In some cases the farrier may make shoes out of iron bar but pre-made shoes are more often used. ) The farrier will trim the foot as normal. Then the shoe should be fitted to the hoof. The farrier should not trim or rasp the hoof to fit the shoe.

* Any clips on the shoe should lie flat against the wall of the hoof.
* The hoof should be balanced and level.
* Even though a shoe has been added the frog of the hoof should still touch the ground in soft soil.
* Traditionally there are three nails on the inside wall of the hoof and three on the outer wall of the hoof.
If there are more or less ask why.
* The clinches, where the ends of the nails have been nipped off and bent down should lie tight against the wall of the hoof.
* The shoes should be chosen for the type of work anticipated. Light riding may not require as heavy a shoe as competitive carriage driving over rough terrain.
* The shoe should not extend past the hoof at any point and the hoof should not overhang the shoe.

If you notice anything that doesn’t look right to you ask the farrier why. The farrier may be trying to solve a specific problem by setting shoes forward, or back, or is trying to influence the shape or size of the hoof.​