Russian Donkey Forced to Parasail has Died

reza eslahi

According to a report from Horse and Hound, the Russian donkey Anapka--who was once the center of an international welfare controversy after she was attached to a parasail and flown over a beach as part of an advertising stunt--has died of suspected heart failure. Veterinarians believe the stress of parasailing might have led to the donkey's eventual death, according to the report.
The report states that Anapka's health began to decline in December 2010, and she began to suffer from "dizzy spells and refused to eat or drink." She reportedly died in January.
Anapka's age was never confirmed, but Horse and Hound reports that she was between 17 and 40 years old at the time of her death (donkeys typically have a lifespan of 30-50 years).