Rules for Conduct of Shows


♘ مدیریت انجمن اسب ایران ♞
1. By participating at a show, show organisers, judges, exhibitors,
owners and handlers agree that they will unconditionally submit
themselves and the persons accompanying them to the "Rules for
Conduct of Shows" and, as regards veterinary matters and drug
misuse, to the relevant FEI Veterinary Regulations. The
accompanying persons include e.g. trainers or persons representing
the show organizer as well as assistants of any of those persons.
They will accept the jurisdiction of the Disciplinary Committee (DC),
the Standing Disciplinary Committee (SDC) and the ECAHO Appeals
Committee (EAC). Show organisers are not permitted to introduce
rules which are in conflict with the EAHSC "Rules for Conduct of
Shows". The person who has signed the entry form will be considered
to be the person responsible for the horse in question. These Rules
will be interpreted when necessary under the provisions of the laws of
2. Horses must be accompanied at the show by a horse passport
containing all vaccination records. Those horses coming from a
country that does not issue a passport, must be accompanied by an
official Registration document which includes a graphic description
and all vaccination records.
The show organizer
3. The show organiser reserves the right to refuse an entry, but must
give the reason for refusal in writing.
4. The show organizer will issue a printed show catalogue. The name
of every horse has to be printed in the show catalogue, as well as the
names of sire and dam, (and maternal grandsire if possible) date of
birth, colour, the names of the breeder and the owner. Should a
horse’s name not be mentioned in the catalogue, its participation at
the show will be allowed only if the exhibitor cannot not be blamed for
the omission; it will be for the DC to decide. The show catalogue shall
furthermore contain:
• The Rules for Conduct of Shows,
• The judging system used, the rules for ties and the rules for
• For Shows outside Europe (as defined by the Constitution of
ECAHO, Art. 3.2 ) where prize money is allowed, the total amount
and distribution of prize money.
5. No class may be split unless there are more than 16 horses
entered. Combination of a class with the next age group of the same
sex is permitted if the number of entries for the class is below three.
6. a) No announcement indicating the identity, breeding or past
performance of exhibits, or the identity of their owners will be made
during judging. It is, however, permissible for this information to be
given out after the judges score sheets have been collected for each
b) Show organisers will not release details of competitors or their
exhibits to the press at any time prior to the catalogue being put on
sale at the showground. Catalogues will not be offered for sale,
published or posted on internet more than one day before the
commencement of the show.
7. No member of the show organising team may judge.
8. The show organizers will ensure a proper rotation of judges.
9. The show organiser will provide appropriate transport,
accommodation and meals during the show, for the judges, DC
members, ring master and any other ECAHO show officials. If a
judge, DC member or ring master cancels the invitation after the
travel arrangements have been made, he will pay all the costs arising
out of this booking.
10. No gifts in the form of fees or money are allowed to be paid or
given by the organiser, nor accepted by the judges, DC members and
ring masters. Material gifts are allowed.
11. EAHSC listed judges and judges invited to judge at ECAHO
affiliated shows agree to judge with integrity and honesty and to carry
out their judging duties solely with the objects of ECAHO and the
welfare of the horses in mind.
12. Judges will not consult the show catalogue before or during the
show at which they are judging.
13. a) Judges appointed at a show will not knowingly judge horses
concerning which there may be an actual or apparent conflict of
interest. No judge appointed at the show may exhibit, ride, drive or
handle an entered horse.
b) Exhibitors will declare on the entry form any actual or apparent
conflict or interest with any of the judges invited for the show.
c) Organisers will not accept any entries for which any actual or
apparent conflict of interest with one of the appointed judges has
been indicated, unless a reserve judge is available.
14. An actual or apparent conflict of interest may occur if a horse is
judged that:
• has been bought or sold by the judge either as owner or agent,
• is owned in whole or part by the judge or by a member of the judge's
family, or business partner in an Arab horse business venture,
• has been leased by the judge, at any time
• has been bred by the judge or is the property of a breeding
organization in which the judge is or was an employee,
• has been regularly trained, examined or treated by the judge in a
professional capacity,
• is the subject of an on-going negotiation to buy or lease, or a
provisional purchase condition to which the judge is a party.
In case of doubt, the DC’s decision will prevail.
15. In the show ring, all communication between judges and handlers
prior to the presentation of prizes will be through the ring master.
16. Judges may withhold any award if in their opinion the exhibit does
not merit such an award.
17. Spare
Conduct of Halter Classes
18. Handlers will be neatly dressed. They may wear any costume
normally worn in their country of origin.
19. Handlers will not wear clothes carrying any form of advertising
which discloses the connection of the horse they are handling.
20. The judge(s) may request that the ringmaster order unruly horses
to be withdrawn.
21. The judge(s) may request that the ringmaster ask a handler to
open a horse's mouth or pick up its feet for inspection.
22. Exhibits are to be judged standing, walking and trotting. Handlers
who do not comply with the ring master's instructions regarding the
above may be given a Yellow/Red card by the ring master. The
judges may request that the ring master show a handler a yellow or
red card.
23. a) Horses will appear in the collecting ring no less than 10
minutes before the start of the class.
b) Exhibits that appear late (missing the walk around the ring) will be
excluded from the class.
24. Stallions and colts aged three years and over must be shown
wearing bridles and bits that are both secure and comfortable for the
horse. All bridles without bits are equally to be both secure and
comfortable for the horse.
25. a) Any horse becoming loose in the collecting ring is subject to a
penalty at the discretion of the DC.
b) Any horse becoming loose in the show ring will immediately
continue to be shown. Should the horse become loose a second time
it will be disqualified.
26. Spare
27. Exhibits that appear to be lame may be assessed and placed by
the judges. Judges may exclude any horse so lame that assessment
will inflict pain.
28. Spare
Disguising of Exhibits
29. No alteration of the basic colour of the skin, coat or hooves is
permitted. Hoof paints, colourless varnishes, coat dyes, glitter spray
and cosmetic operations including skin grafts are forbidden.
Colourless hoof oils, Vaseline or oil and white chalk used on white
legs may be accepted.
30. Artificial methods of dilating the eyes or affecting the natural
action of the horse or otherwise influencing its action or behaviour by
oxygenating the bloodstream or by the use of weights or artificially
weighted shoes, or by electrical or chemical treatment of any kind at
any time before or during exhibition are forbidden. Burns, cuts or
other marks on the body of any exhibit in such places or positions as
to indicate that prohibited methods have been used will be regarded
as full and adequate grounds for exclusion of any exhibit from
competition, at the discretion of the DC with veterinary advice.
31. a) In halter classes horses may be fully or partly body-clipped,
subject to eyelashes being left uncut, hair inside the ears left
unshaved and tactile hair left intact around the nose, muzzle and the
eyes. Horses not fulfilling these criteria will not be allowed to
b) No equipment intended to alter the natural appearance of the horse
is permitted in the stables, including necksweats, neck collars,
tailracks, hobbles or weights. Anyone using such equipment on the
showground may be suspended by the DC for the period of the show.
32. Spare
33. Excessive whipping or shanking, excessive stimulation by noise
or intimidation, excessive circling of the horse, use of electric shock
devices or infliction of pain by any means is forbidden in all parts of
the showground or stable areas, at all times.
34. The above offences are punishable by issue of a Yellow/Red
35. Verbal warnings: DC members, ringmasters, stewards or show
officials may issue verbal warnings. These are not recorded in the DC
36. Yellow and red cards may be issued by DCs and the ring
master, in the collecting ring and the main ring. They are issued to a
handler and are a visible and public warning of an offence having
been committed. The date and offence will be recorded by the DC on
the handlers licence and in the DC report and it will be made public by
announcement at the show and on the ECAHO website.
37. A yellow card may be issued if there is a further offence after a
warning or it may be issued without such warning.
38. A red card will be issued if the handler receives a second yellow
card for having committed a further handling offense during the same
show or any other show within twelve months of receiving the first
yellow card. The offender will then be banned from handling any
horses for the rest of the show in which he receives the red card. The
horse being show by a handler when he receives a red card may be
shown by another handler at the end of the class. In the event of a
serious offence involving mistreatment or dangerous behaviour, DCs
or ring masters may issue a red card without prior warning.
39. Any handler disobeying the instructions of any DC member,
judge, ring master or other official may be punished immediately by
being shown a yellow or red card.
Veterinary Matters
40. Horses with apparent clinical signs of a disease may not
participate at the show at the discretion of the DC Veterinarian. If the
DC Veterinarian diagnoses apparent clinical signs of a contagious
disease, the horse must be immediately put into quarantine and may
not participate at the show.
41. Vaccination regulations for shows will require 12 months intervals
normally, or shorter where local/national authorities mandate it. Such
shorter intervals to be shown on the entry form (see Addendum –
Equine Influenza Vaccination page 35).
42. All Veterinary treatment necessary at the show ground must be
carried out according to FEI Veterinary regulations.
43. a) The administration of any substance not a normal nutrient
(including irritants applied to the skin or mucous membranes or
mydriatic drugs in the eyes), whether intentionally or unintentionally
which may affect the performance, temperament or soundness of an
exhibit is forbidden.
b) The DC may order chemical tests on any exhibit.
c) Judges may request the DC to test any horse.
(See the section on “Medication Control” page 25).
44. A show organiser, appointed judge, ring master, exhibitor, owner
or handler of a horse entered at the show may lodge a complaint
alleging infringement of these rules. Such complaint is to be made in
writing before the end of the show. A deposit of € 200,- or equivalent
in local currency will be lodged with the DC and may be retained if the
complaint is considered frivolous, at the DC's discretion. Such
forfeiture belongs to ECAHO.
45. Any complaint about a judge or any other official will be made in
writing and signed by two individuals within 3 days of the event in
accordance with the Rules for Disciplinary Committees, article 19.
The complaint has to be supported by a fee of € 300,- or equivalent in
local currency. The procedure will be conducted in accordance with
the Rules for Disciplinary Committees.​