Reward of $US10,000 over wild-horse shooting

reza eslahi

Reward of $US10,000 over wild-horse shooting

February 13, 2011

Federal authorities are offering a $US10,000 reward over the shooting of a wild horse in the Antelope Complex in Nevada.
The reward money is available from the Bureau of Land Management for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for shooting a wild horse mare who was captured last Wednesday.
The horse was brought in as part of an ongoing operation to remove around 2000 wild horses from the area.
An on-site veterinarian conducted a health assessment at the trap site and observed a puncture wound in her upper left leg, around the shoulder.
The animal was transported to the gather holding facility, placed in a separate pen from the other gathered horses, and monitored by the on-site veterinarian.
On Friday morning, she spun around in the corral and broke her nearside foreleg.
She was euthanized as a result.
On closer examination, the vet determined the puncture injury was a gunshot wound, and was a major contributing factor to the break.
A bureau law enforcement investigation into the shooting is under way.
"The BLM is very serious about enforcing the 1971 law protecting wild horses on the range," bureau director Bob Abbey said.
"The act very clearly states that it is a federal crime for any person to maliciously cause the death of any wild horse."
He said bureau law enforcement personnel were working closely with authorities in White Pine and Elko Counties to gather evidence.
"We are hopeful this reward will result in information leading us to the perpetrators of this crime."
Persons providing information may choose to remain anonymous.