Review: From Leading to Liberty - 100 Training Games Your Horse Will Want to Play

reza eslahi


by Jutta Wiemers
JA Allen/Hale Books, 2010
Softcover, 374pp RRP £25
ISBN: 978-0-85131-975-9
Available from*
Amazon (US) ($US34.20)

Amazon (UK) (£17.50)

Fishpond ($NZ64.38)

February 6, 2011
If you're interested in teaching your horse games and doing fun things on the ground, this is a good book to start with. There are 100 games that you can work through with your horse, and there are some where more than one horse can be involved.
The author started to play with her horses as they grew older and needed mental stimulation. What a great idea for an older equine who might be a little stiff for normal activity - far better than languishing in a paddock.
Of course working with a horse on the ground, no matter their age, can be beneficial in many ways.
Some of the exercises or games will look rather similar to those familiar with certain branded horsemanship techniques, but no matter what they are called, all have purposes and goals which include flexibility, relaxation, trust, and so on.
The author's circus and vaulting background shows through in some of the exercises, so if you'd like to try trick training, this would be a good place to start.
My own early efforts to try some games with my horse were interesting - he was more interested in watching the pages of the book flip over (make notes with instructions in a small notebook for 'out in the field'), and leading himself with the rope. Still, there is always tomorrow!​