Readers Help Their Horses Battle Boredom in the Stall

reza eslahi

More than 620 readers of responded to a poll asking, "How do you promote the health (both physical and emotional) of your stall-confined horse?"

Results were as follows:

  • A combination of the above: 68.33% (425)
  • Balance his/her stall time with turnout and/or exercise as much as possible: 14.79% (92)
  • Other (please explain below): 12.22% (76)
  • Ensure he/she always has hay to munch: 2.25% (14)
  • Ensure a companion is stalled nearby/within sight: 1.93% (12)
  • Provide a means of entertainment (stall balls, treat-serving toys, etc.): 0.48% (3)
Readers shared how they help their horses battle boredom in the comments below.
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  • I do not confine my horses in stalls.
  • I divide my paddock of 3/4 acre into two sections. During the day I switch them so they move around.
  • I don't believe in keeping a horse in a stall unless it
  • My horse loves companinonship even more than food. I do give her all of the above also
  • I gave up stall life, my horses are a lot happier out doors w/provided Shelter run In's.
  • All of the above, hide different feeds to search for, his own Pygmy goat lives in stall with him
  • Horse in stalls are like birds in cages.
  • Assuming that you really mean "stall confinement", I cut off all grain allow free choice quality hay
  • A companion in sight and constant hay.
  • constant hay and a companion close by
  • my horses are in a pasture 24/7 with other horses
  • I don't confine my horses to a stall that is wrong.
  • Provide as much turnout as possible in addition to regular controlled exercise
  • Owner rides 5 times/ wk. Single turnout next to other horses every day
  • hide carrots in stall, hang carrots from ceiling
  • 24/7 turnout with companions, daily visits
  • Our horses are left outside with run in shelters and are stalled only in the most inclement weather
  • I never stall my horses. Therefore, they do not suffer mental or physical problems associated with
  • No stall confinement here. Group living with 24 hour access to pastures and shelter.
  • I combine the above, but do anything possible to keep them out- only in 3-4 days/year
  • All day or all night turnout. Plenty of hay, and toys for the really curious ones
  • only stalled @nite in winter/rain in summer
  • I avoid stalling horses unless absolutely necessary for medical reasons
  • I live in Chicago, so have to board, I pay extra for daily turnout & extra hay, & ride 6 days/week
  • The more stuff 2 do the happier the horse!
  • Keep it outin alargepaddack asmuch as possible. They'remeant to graze, not stand
  • I don't keep my horses in stalls.
  • Plus one-on-one time with me daily
  • All of the above, just add LOVE
  • He stays on 24 hour turn out.
  • I love the nibble net to make the hay last longer. Can use an old hockey net. Satisfies horse!
  • If confined due to injury, maximize ventilation, provide free-choice hay, window with active view.
  • Stall are horrible with mental and emotional health of horses. Therefore, I don't.
  • never confine them. treat them like horses
  • I stall with attached paddock, keeping horses stalled is unhealthy and cruel
  • Take him for a quiet walk if allowed as many times a day as I can manage.
  • leave out except in bad weather.
  • I only stall my horses in bad weather and in case of recovery from injury or illness.
  • I read in The Horse that horses prefer clasical music. So it plays in the barn all the time.
  • All of the above.
  • You people who have your horses in a stall are nuts! Would you like to be kept in a very small room
  • when in a stall my horses have outdoor poddocks so they can go out and socilaize with their herd mat
  • at least 10 hours of turnout a day!
  • they can go in and out
  • All of my horses have pens attached to stalls but still get turnout time
  • Horses outside 24/7. When stabled (show, injury) they get toys and tons of hay.
  • don't ever stall if can help it
  • I have not yet had to confine any of my horses
  • Turn out at least 8 hours a day. While stall bound, lots of hay and companions in sight
  • Horses live out as much as possible
  • My horses can go in & out of their stalls at will; not confined unless absolutely necessary.
  • My horse is not stalled but I do most of these things anyway
  • We only horses stall to treat an illness as with laminitis and try to keep then as happy as we can.
  • Boarding barns manage turnout & hay the 2 best methods, making it very difficult.
  • 24/7 pasture with barn as run in shelter
  • My horses are never confined to a stall.
  • All of the above and I used this time to teach him tricks
  • Don't put them in a stall to begin with. Horses are gregarious grazers. A stall is a jail cell.
  • Try to keep them out as much as possible
  • we only keep our horses up in bad weather. The enjoy the time up because they are close to each other
  • My4 horses are not stall confined,
  • try to avoid stall confinement more than during the night
  • My boys see each other inside & outside-runouts on stalls. Closed in by dutchdoors only in storms.
  • my horse is in the pasture year round with shelter from wind and rain/snow if he wants it
  • our horses are on pasture
  • My horses are on 24 hour turnout. They don't have vices.
  • Stall confinement is inhumane unless necessary for rehab would you live in your coat closet?
  • I use stall guards instead of closing the door so she can see whats going on
  • my horse is kept in a paddock with a run-in
  • All of the above! They are stalled at night, turned out during daylight
  • For Winter, each horse has a small turnout. Warm months turnout 12 hrs, stall 12 hrs. Works!
  • Don't confine my horses unless vet ordered.
  • Pretty much all of those! Enough exercise, hay, friend, etc.
  • My horses are kept outside 24/7.
  • My TWH is only stalled in bad weather; otherwise in pastured. We just keep her pals stalled nearby!
  • Don't have stalls at all just a shed roof in the corrals all 4 horses are together except at feeding
  • Out during day in winter with free choice hay/Reverse in summer
  • She's turned out by herself, 24/7 but there are horses on both sides
  • My horses have in and out stalls.
  • We even turn him out in his pasture on horse show days.
  • I spend quality time daily interacting w/each horse (3 of them).
  • I only confine them for medical reasons. Other than that they are free to wander 24/7.
  • Offer optional outdoor time in an individual dry lot behind each stall.
  • my 23 yr old horse has never been confined in a stall
  • not confined unless bad weather
  • 24/7 turn out with run in stalls
  • I keep all of the my horses outside 24/7 so they don't get bored.
  • She's not stall confined, ever
  • My horses are not stalled.
  • We don't stall our horses.
  • Have loafing sheds, walkout to large paddocks, hay to munch exercise track, 30 mins exercise reg.
  • My horse loves to bang plastic jugs around! I tie them in a single strand of twine to avoid tangles
  • I kept her on a schedule. She knew exactly after her noon time hay she went for a walk rain or shine
  • Free choice hay always and a stable buddy!
  • I keep him healthy by letting him be a horse and do horse things as much as I can.
  • Horses are meant to walk and graze. Toys, hay, friends, all will help.
  • Only time our horses are stalled is due to illness or injury
  • I take the horse walking, just like a dog, in my area.
  • Turnout is always best, not always logical. Let them get exercise as much as possible
  • try not to have any horses confined unless ill
  • Let them be a horse, don't stall
  • they always have hay in front of them, toys, and turn out daily
  • I don't stall any of my horses
  • I do not stall my horses.
  • Keep him out 24/7 on a forage-based diet with as much stimuation and variety as possible.
  • No horse should be jailed in a stall!
  • try not to stall a horse unless absolutely neccessary, then try to ensure he has plenty of hay to mu
  • Pasture horses only stalled if sick or injured
  • Never confine my horses to stalls.
  • Mental stimulation via Natural Horsemanship techniques even inside the stall or in a small area
  • They are in the barn only for feeding or severe weather
  • the use of a slow feeder, barn companion, turnout, and either riding or grooming time.
  • horses are out all day
  • I don't stall them
  • My horses are rarely stalled.
  • OUr horses are stalled as little as possible - about an hour a day
  • I ride 2/3 of my horse all winter and feed 4x daily. (very tiring!)
  • I do not confine my horses to stalls
  • I do on-the ground clicker training, simple tricks, fun for both of us.
  • Horses are stalled ONLY if seriously injured.
  • I don't stall the horse. They are healthier and saner where they can move.
  • Pasture turnout 24/7 like nature intended
  • I allow my mare as much turn out time as possible, as she's always content in the field!
  • All our horses live out. But water can be a problem
  • All of the above with multiple hand walk/grazing/grooming sessions.
  • Mine not confined to a stall.Only in one if not well.They have access to them 24/7 at their will.
  • We hand-walk and turn out in paddocks close to the barn. Air out barn as much as possible.
  • 100% turnout - not in stalls
  • lots of hay, bran mash on cold nights, turn out i fpossible but hand walking or round pen lunging, i
  • all of the above.
  • Mine are in pasture 24/7
  • Our horse had 2 Jolly Balls, constant feeding, and hand grazing time when he was on stall rest