Readers Discuss Equine Quarantine Practices

reza eslahi

More than 520 readers of responded to a poll asking, "Do you quarantine horses upon return from being off the farm (e.g., vet clinic, horse shows, etc.) and in contact with other horses?"

Results were as follows:

  • No: 81.99% (428)
  • Yes: 18.01% (94)
Readers shared their biosecurity practices in the comments below.
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  • i have a pen away from the others they are in there for 2 wks
  • depends on the situation - vague question
  • We do, but probably not long enough for efficacy. Unknown illness exposure=unknown incubation period
  • Do not have facility to separate
  • It depends if they have been in contact with virusus, or other potential threats, to my other horses
  • It's the safetest way for every horse concerned
  • whether they travel or not every horse on the property is vaccinated.
  • We burn up the roads hauling to lessons, shows, and mounted horse club meetings.
  • We are careful not to allow them to drink out ouf communal water trough or eat off the ground.
  • I don't have a place to quarantine.
  • Yes, but the quarantine section is still next to the pastures, so it is not very effective.
  • All my horses are fully vaccinated and I trust that is sufficient
  • I only have 2 horses.
  • even though vacinated, you never know, so, better safe than sorry
  • depends on where they were
  • I trail ride alone most of the time little contact with others
  • it depends where the horse has been and if i have broodmares or not and the size of the stock
  • Would if there was a specific reason or need
  • my horses are vaccinated - so no need
  • only have 4 - if one goes, they all do - vaccinate well
  • don't have facilities to do that
  • No room to quarantine
  • Just to be on the safe side.
  • That way if one horse contracts something I wont lose my whole barn.
  • Depending on whether or not both go off the farm and where they have been
  • not possible at our stable
  • My horses don't leave the farm
  • No, only quarantine action horses unless there is known reason to do so.
  • they have been vaccinated, and they usually all go to the same shows together anyway.
  • As much as being in a boarding environment allows it. Others don't always appreciate.
  • But a new horse brought into the barn is quarantined.
  • I only have the one horse so it is not an issue
  • both my horses go to the shows together
  • The only time I do not is if I take my bagbies to a nursing home.or day care.
  • horses are kept in a very small herd
  • Traveling horses are separate due to normal pasture separation.
  • Our horses are vaccinated for everything, so no
  • no place to quarantine them in
  • I never let my horses nose to any other horse off of the property or near their feces ect.
  • I hunt which mean we haul over large areas to the meets where there can be as many as 100 horses.
  • I would only do so if I thought the horse had come in contact with a sick horse.
  • All horses are UTD on vaccinations and worming.
  • From the broodmares and babies, not the older horses
  • To Date, I have not had to quarantine. Hadnt thought I needed to? hhmmmm....
  • They don't go anywhere. Here is where they belong
  • Two week quarantine, unless being used frequently, then the quarantine is for the duration of the sh
  • only new horses get quarantined
  • Endurance horse. Keep up on vaccinations and good care at home works.
  • I do quarantine new horses that came from rescue, etc., but not my own coming from the racetrack.
  • If I buy them at a sale barn or privately
  • They all have built up a good resistance from traveling so much and they are vaccinated
  • I only have 2 horses and they go everywhere together, so both would be exposed.
  • We limit exposure to other horses off the farm, but do stall where others have used before
  • No, I don't take him places. We have enough fun at home.
  • Not generally, but if there were red flags (a vet's suggestion or a sick horse at a show) I would.
  • My horses are vaccinated for everything & have never picked up something from others.
  • My ponies do not go nose to nose or come in contact with equipment on the farm for two weeks.
  • Then they'd spend all their time in quarantine.
  • I do quarantine rescue horses or those I don't know.
  • Rarely do a show.R lessons once a wk.Horses all OK there.At vets most there for shots/injuries.
  • only have 2 horses and they don't leave the farm anymore due to their age.
  • Not if they have been at my ranch previously. I do if they are a new horse from an unknown facility
  • Always because it beats doctoring a lot of horses instead of just a couple that went to show..
  • depends on where they've been
  • Sm. backyard facility, really no room to quarentine
  • But I do make sure my horse is well vaconated every year.
  • If I'm not sure that the other horses do not have the same vaccines that mine have reciecved.
  • Facility not large enough for that.
  • with fewer horses on a farm it's not as necessary, if all in good health and up on vacc.
  • only have one horse
  • Wish I could but no facilities
  • depends on where we come back from - hospital/clinic yes; shows no
  • Only have one other horse.
  • not for absences < 24 hours
  • Barns I've been to haven't but I personally would if I could.
  • My horses are stalled in my trailer at shows and their feet are disinfected prior to going back into
  • I don't go to many places where unknown horses are in contact with my horses
  • Boarding Stable is not set up for Quarantine however I don't put my horse out with buds for days.
  • No, I would be quarantining constantly. have 3 horses
  • I only quarantine when a horse is new to the property.
  • when my horses arrove back home he is not in contact with other horses.
  • Wish they would quarantine horses at the boarding facility where I keep my horse.
  • I never even thought of this but it certainly seems like a good idea
  • We board so don't have the facilities. Just keep current vaccs and only go where Coggins is CHECKED
  • I don't know anybody that does QT for shows/clinics etc.
  • Not practical with multple on/off every week.
  • I don't know anyone who does either.
  • We travel out of state and quarantine on a regular basis. We also disenfect our horse trailer.
  • No., it's not physically possible unless acute illness
  • only new horses that come in
  • But we do quarantine for 10 days when ever we buy in a new horse.
  • everybody has had their shots
  • Every single horse is quarantined.