Racing Terms


♘ مدیریت انجمن اسب ایران ♞
ALL OUT: A horse who is trying to the best of his ability.

ALSO-ELIGIBLE: A horse entered in the race but who cannot start unless another horse is scratched.

ALSO-RAN: A horse who finishes out of the money.

BACKSTRETCH: The straight way on the far side of the track.

BEARING IN (or OUT): Failing to maintain a straight course, veering to the left or right. Can be caused by injury, fatigue, outside distractions, or poor riding.

BLANKET FINISH: When the horses finish so close for the win you could theoretically put a single blanket across them.

BLINKERS: Equipment worn on the bridle to restrict a horse's vision on the sides to help maintain attention and avoid distractions.

BLOWOUT: A short fast workout, usually a day or two before a race, designed to sharpen a horse's speed.

BOARD: The tote board on which odds, betting pools and other race information is displayed.

BOBBLE: A bad step away from the starting gate, sometimes caused by the ground breaking away from under a horse and causing him to duck his head or go to his knees.

BOLT: Sudden veering from a straight course.

BREEZE: Working a horse at a moderate speed; less effort than handily.

BULLET WORK: The best workout time for the distance on a given day at a track.

BULL RING: Small racetrack less than one mile around.

BUTE: Phenylbutazone a commonly used analgesic for horses.

CAULK: Projection on the bottom of a shoe to give the horse better traction, especially on a wet track.

CHECKED: A horse pulled up by his jockey for an instant because he is cut off or in tight quarters.

CHUTE: Extension of the backstretch or homestretch to allow a longer straight run at the start.

CLOSER: A horse who runs best in the latter part of the race, coming from off the pace.

CLUBHOUSE TURN: Generally the turn immediately after the finish line and closest to the clubhouse.

COLORS: Racing silks, the jacket and cap worn by jockeys. Silks can be generic and provided by the track or specific to one owner.

COUPLED: Two or more horses running as an entry in a single betting unit.

CUPPY: A track surface which breaks away under a horse's hoof.

DEAD-HEAT: Two or more horses finishing in an exact tie at the finish.

DEAD TRACK: Racing surface lacking resiliency.

DISTANCED: Well beaten, finishing a long distance behind the winner.

DOGS: Wooden barrier (or rubber traffic cones) placed a certain distance out from the inner rail, to protect the inner part of the track (usually the turf course) from traffic during workouts to save it for racing.

DRIVING: Strong urging by rider.

EASED: The jockey stops the horse during the race so he can't finish, usually due to an injury or equipment problem.

EASILY: Running or winning without being pressed by the jockey or opposition.

ENTRY: Two or more horses owned by the same stable or (in some cases) trained by the same trainer and running as a single betting unit.

EVENLY: Neither gaining nor losing position or distance during a race.

EXTENDED: Forced to run at top speed.

FALTERED: Used for a horse that was in contention early and drops back in the late stages. It is more drastic than weakened but less drastic than stopped.

FAST TRACK: The optimum condition for a dirt track, dry, fast and even.

FIRM: A optimum condition for a turf course corresponding to fast on a dirt track.

FIRST TURN: Bend in the track beyond the starting point.

FLATTEN OUT: When a horse drops his head almost on straight line with body, generally from exhaustion.

FRONT-RUNNER: A horse who usually leads (or tries to lead) the field for as far as he can.

FURLONG: One-eighth of a mile; 220 yards; 660 feet.

FUROSEMIDE: Lasix, the medication used to treat of bleeders.

GOOD TRACK: Condition between fast and slow, generally a bit wet.

GRADUATE: Winning for the first time.

HANDILY: Working or racing with moderate effort, but more effort than breezing.

HAND RIDE: The jockey urges a horse with the hands and arms without using the whip.

HEAD OF THE STRETCH: Beginning of the straight run for the finish.

HEAVY: Condition of track when wet similar to muddy but slower.

HUNG: A horse holding the same position, unable to make up distance on the winner.

IN HAND: Running under moderate control, at less than best pace.

IMPOST: Weight carried or assigned.

LASIX: See furosemide.

LENGTH: Length of a horse from nose to tail, about 8 feet.

LUG (in or out): Action of a tiring horse, bearing in or out, failing to keep a straight course.

MORNING GLORY: Horse who performs well in morning workouts but fails to fire in actual races.

MORNING LINE: Approximate odds quoted before wagering begins.

MUDDY: Deep condition of racetrack after being soaked with water. Horses who run will on wet tracks are generally referred to as mudders.

NECK: Unit of measurement, about the length of a horse's neck; a quarter of a length.

NOSE: Smallest advantage a horse can win by. In England called a short head.

ON THE BIT: When a horse is eager to run.

OVERWEIGHT: Surplus weight carried by a horse when the rider cannot make the assigned weight.

PADDOCK: Area where horses are saddled and kept before post time.

PASTEBOARD TRACK: Lightning fast racing strip.

POLE: Markers at measured distances around the track, marking the distance from the finish. The quarter pole, for instance, is a quarter of a mile from the finish, not from the start.

POST: Starting point or position in starting gate.

POOL: Mutuel pool, the total sum bet on a race or a particular bet.

POST PARADE: Horses going from paddock to starting gate past the stands.

POST POSITION: Position of stall in starting gate from which a horse starts.

POST TIME: Designated time for a race to start.

RIDDEN OUT: Finishing a race without rider urging him to do his utmost.

SADDLE CLOTH: Cloth under the saddle on which number denoting post position is displayed.

SCALE OF WEIGHTS: Fixed weights to be carried by horses in a race according to age, distance, sex, and time of year.

SCRATCH: To be taken out of a race.

SHADOW ROLL: Usually a lamb's wool roll half way up the horse's face to keep him from seeing his own shadow.

SILKS: See colors.

SLOPPY: A track that is wet on surface with firm bottom.

SLOW: A track with some moisture in it that is not fast, between good and heavy.

STARTING GATE: Mechanical device with stalls for horses to stand in until the starter releases the doors in front to begin the race.

STEADIED: A horse being taken in hand by his rider, usually because of being in close quarters.

STICK: A jockey's whip, also called a bat.

STICKERS: Calks on shoes which give a horse better traction in mud or on soft tracks.

STRETCH: Final straight portion of the racetrack to the finish.

STRETCH RUNNER: Horse who finishes fast in the stretch.

STRETCH TURN: Bend of track into homestretch.

TAKEN UP: A horse pulled up sharply by his rider because of being in close quarters.

TONGUE STRAP OR TIE: Cloth or rubber strap used to tie down a horse's tongue to prevent it from choking in a race or workout.

TRACK RECORD: Fastest time for a distance at a particular track.

TURF COURSE: Grass course.

UNDER WRAPS: Horse under stout restraint in a race or workout.

WARMING UP: Galloping horse on way to post.

WASHY: Horse breaking out in nervous sweat before race, sometimes to the point it will be dripping from his belly.

WHIP: Instrument, usually of leather, with which rider strikes horse to increase his speed.​