Police horses head into retirement

reza eslahi

Police horses head into retirement

February 13, 2011

Two British police horses will see a different side of life on Monday, when they retire to the Buckingham sanctuary of the Horse Trust.



The pair have been in the service of the Greater Manchester Police.
Dickens has given an impressive 15 years of service, while Warwick has been with the force for four years.
Dickens, a 21-year-old 16-hand chestnut gelding, is one of the force's best police horses, says Mima Manning, stable manager for Greater Manchester Police.
"Dickens is one of our toughest and bravest horses," she said.
"He has a cheerful temperament and always goes to work with a smile on his face. He has given a lot to Greater Manchester."
While most police horses have a working life of eight to 10 years, Dickens stretched his career to 15 years.
In his time on the beat, Dickens has been involved in all types of police work, including crowd control at public demonstrations, football matches and concerts, and patrolling crime hotspots.
The Irish thoroughbred cross now needs to retire as he has developed arthritis, which has caused intermittent lameness.
Eight-year-old Warwick, a 17-hand skewbald gelding, has been with the force for only four years, but can no longer work as he has developed a condition known as Osteochontritis Dissecans in his joints.
"Warwick has a brilliant temperament for police work - he's very level-headed and confident. But sadly he's had a short working life as he can't cope with the police work required," Manning said.
The pair will enjoy lifetime care at the long-running charity.
"It's great that after working hard for the people of Greater Manchester, Dickens and Warwick will be able to spend the remainder of their years in the peaceful paddocks at The Horse Trust's Home of Rest," Manning said.
Trust chief executive Jeanette Allen said she looked forward to welcoming the two horses to the sanctuary.
"Dickens and Warwick have carried out vital police work in their time with Greater Manchester Police, helping preserve public order and reduce crime.
"We are glad that we are able to thank them for their loyal service by offering them sanctuary and a peaceful place to pass the last years of their lives."