People and Jobs


♘ مدیریت انجمن اسب ایران ♞
AGENT: A person authorized to act on the behalf of a jockey or owner. Generally referes to a jockey's agent who lines up rides for him or her.

APPRENTICE: A rider who has not ridden a specified amount of winners within a specific time period. These riders get weight allowances on all their mounts based on the number of winners they have. 10 pounds until the fifth winner, 7 pounds until the 35th winner and five pounds for one calendar year after the date of the 5th winner.

BUG: See apprentice. The mark (*) placed next to the apprentice riders names in the program resembles a squashed bug so they came to be called bug riders.

CLERK OF SCALES: The official who is responsible for weighing the riders before and after a race to ensure proper weight is carried.

CLOCKER: The person who times the morning workouts.

CONDITIONER: See trainer.

FLAG: Signal held by a man (referred to as a flagman) standing just in front of the gate at the exact starting point of race. Official timing starts when flag is dropped to denote proper start.

GROOM: The person who takes direct care of one or more horses, washing, grooming, and feeding them.

HORSE IDENTIFIER: The person who checks the lip tattoo of each horse as they enter the paddock to make sure the correct horses are running in the race.

HOT WALKER: Someone who walks horses to cool them out after workouts or races.

MUTUEL CLERK: The person at the window who takes your bets. Also called a teller.

OUTRIDER: The person who rides the horses that accompany the race horses to the post and catches any horses who get loose.

RACING SECRETARY: The official who writes the conditions of races and assigns weights for handicap races.

STEWARDS: The top officials of a race meet who are responsible for enforcing the rules of racing.

TELLER: See mutuel clerk.

TRAINER: The person who trains the horses, is responsible for their wellbeing, and makes the decisions about where and when they will race.

VALET: The person who takes care of a jockey's tack and silks and helps him change for the next race.​