Nigerian Pony


♘ مدیریت انجمن اسب ایران ♞
the Nigerian Pony originated in Nigeria and is believed to be related to the Barb. Barbs, brought to Nigeria by nomadic peoples, were cross-bred with the local ponies, resulting in the Nigerian. The Nigerian may have similar ancestors to the little known Poney Mousseye of Cameroon.


The Nigerian is a large pony breed, although they are sometimes referred to as small ponies. Often in poorer environments the growth of a horse or pony is limited due to insufficient food and this can be misleading when categorising them. However, the Nigerian is a pony, although it exhibits some horse-like features. They are very versatile and are used in a light draft and pack capacity, as well as being ridden. Typically they have good stamina and endurance, and a quiet and biddable temperament. They are tough and hardy, and resistant to the heat of their climate.

In appearance, they have a plain head with a straight profile and small, alert ears. They have a short neck, nicely sloping shoulders, a deep chest, prominent withers, a short back, and the characteristic sloping croup of the Barb horse. On the whole, they are very attractive ponies, compact through the body with strong legs, although sometimes their quarters are poorly developed. They can be any colour and stand between 14 and 14.2 hands high.​