New British Horse Society digs officially opened

reza eslahi

New British Horse Society digs officially opened

February 24, 2011

The new offices of the British Horse Society were officially opened by The Princess Royal on Tuesday.

The BHS's new headquarters.
The new offices provide a high-quality work environment for 85 staff, with additional meeting and conference facilities for visitors.
The building, which sits in a deer park in Stareton, Warwickshire, comprises 22,500 square feet of modern offices within a green belt.
It is circular in shape, designed to fit around a fine 200-year-old oak tree which stands as its centrepiece.
Great lengths were taken during construction to protect the many valuable trees on the site, not just by fencing off individual trees to prevent workers and machinery from getting too close, but also by hand-digging the foundations where necessary to avoid damaging root systems.
Society chief executive Graham Cory said: "Attempting to compare our new home with the building it has replaced makes about as much sense as comparing the Parthenon with a local bus station.
"A bright, spacious and airy office now stands in the space once occupied by a building which was none of these. Previously, I had felt mean when I asked staff to work in such poor conditions and embarrassed when we welcomed visitors. Now we have a building of which the society can be proud."
Staff moved in to the new premises in November, after a year of working in a temporary office.