New Border Inspection Point for Horses Travelling to England

reza eslahi

According to a report from Horse and Hound, a European Union equine border inspection post at Manston Airport scheduled to open in April will allow more horses to fly in and out of Great Britain, bringing the number of equine-friendly airports in the country to four.
The airport, located in Kent, England, currently transports a small number of horses each year; however, the opening of the border inspection post (where a veterinarian inspects the animals before they are allowed to proceed into the country) will allow a larger number of horses to travel through Manston Airport.
The Horse and Hound report states that Manston Airport representative Allen McQuarrie said Manston is an ideal location for a border inspection post, as it is smaller in size and has less congestion than the other airports that currently operate inspection posts. He added that after being unloaded from a plane, a horse will only have to walk about 300 meters to the inspection post, and that the walkway is "sheltered from aircraft noise by big buildings."
Horse and Hound reports that the new border inspection post has already been offered to the London 2012 Olympic Committee for the inspection of the horses that will compete in the equestrian disciplines.