

♘ مدیریت انجمن اسب ایران ♞
Kabardin comes from the mountains of the North of the Caucasus to the USSR, and, like all the mountain breeds, it is characterized by safety from its foot and its goodwill to support loads which the majority of the others considèreraient like impossible to transport. It is used as animal beats and of saddle, and the mares give their milk.

Their origin is badly known, but all lets suppose that they result from robust horses autochtones, can be of Mongolia and that they were probably improved by contributions of Turkmène blood and Arab.

The characteristic of Kabardin it is its calms, its intelligence and its independence, whereas it strong attache with his home. Moreover this horse mobile and enduring is equipped with a great longevity. It measures of 1.42 m to 1.51 m, and its dress is generally bay, but sometimes black, chestnut horse flaring or gray.

Intelligent head, rectilinear profile. Ends of the ears slightly turned towards the interior. Powerful body, beautiful prominent face and garrot, right back and enough length, good back-hand. Very hard legs and feet, tendency to bent bulges. Wrap fine, generally corrugated hairs.​