

Performance/Horsemanship (Level 1, Levels 2-5)
Youth select and care for a horse or pony and keep a record of all activities with their horse at each level. Many members participate in county district or state shows, clinics, camps, trail rides and other activities.

Youth who take production projects breed a mare, or raise and work with young horses up to four years of age. Records are kept for each animal enrolled in the project. Animals enrolled in Production projects may be shown at local, regional or state shows.
Competitive Trail Riding

Youth learn to select, and condition a horse for competitive trail riding. Members maintain records on their project horse and record trail riding experiences. Many members participate in local, regional, or state competitive trail rides.

This project is for youth who do not own horses, but want to learn more about them. There are many opportunities for horseless members such as horse judging, hippology, horse bowl, skillathons, communication contests, and much more! Some counties have opportunities for horseless members to participate in local shows.
Horsemanship Skills Program

The Horsemanship Skills Program provides a planned progression of skill development to promote safety, education, and life skills of youth. The program is available to all 4-H members, regardless of their riding style or ability to own a horse. Youth are not required to use their project animals, although this is encouraged as appropriate. Youth who do not own a horse may participate by sharing or leasing a horse.

refrence: Project Information — Dairy and Animal Science — Penn State University