Horse Training and Horse Care Secrets


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Few horse racing punters appreciate the discipline, love and knowledge that go in to horse training, but the ones who do are more likely to win betting odds. This is a treasured secret of horse racing that requires one to go beyond the superficial glamour of the race course on the day of an event. Regular visits to breeding farms, stables and observing foals exercise can help us spot tomorrow's champions.

It is not for money alone, though the system of bookmaking itself relies so heavily on studying the potential of new entrants to the horse racing arena. There is joy and satisfaction that go beyond the considerable cash gains of those who practice the art of finding horses with exceptional racing ability. Bloodlines always matter, but genes can find full expression in horse racing, only when horse training is of top quality.

Horses are almost as intelligent as people, and often more courageous and loyal! They have regal personalities and do not make friends easily. Do not treat a champion race horse as a pet! It is best to keep children away when visiting stables, and to admire the animals from a respectful distance. Never attempt to feed or ask to ride on one of them!

Top trainers are rare in horse racing, and they need a blend of both emotional intelligence and technical skills to inculcate racing qualities in foals under their charge. They may sometimes conclude that a particular animal lacks the qualities of a champion, and sanguine owners will accept such a verdict. More often, the trainer will be able to bring out the full potential of a young horse and groom it in to a fearless and legendary competitor.

Horse racing lovers celebrate the exploits of the best horses by including their photographs and records in Halls of Fame, and even visiting them when they retire from formal events and participate in breeding instead. There is no true pleasure in horse racing without a passion for the magnificent steeds, no matter how successful we may be on the sports betting front. In fact, it is this natural affinity that humans have always had for horses that sets horse racing apart from other forms of gambling.

We would love to know of your experiences in horse racing, with special regard to any promising foals that you may have seen in stables near your place of residence. Do write to us using the feedback form, and be sure to join our forum where you can exchange notes with other horse racing lovers!​