Horse Racing Wagering


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Truths and fables are so intricately inter-woven in horse racing circles that separating the two can be quite a task! Some of the most voluble ‘friends’ can be entirely misleading, as they proffer tips without substance or good intent. Horse racing has a glamorous image of fashionable people making famous bets, but the reality is about serious following of a most competitive sport!

Wagering is at the heart of horse racing, because seeing your chosen horse and rider combination take the field is such a joy! The thrill of winning a bet in horse racing can make up for a number of disappointments-in emotional if not numerical terms!

We offer here, three horse wagering principles to keep your head above water, and 3 deep pitfalls which you should avoid:

Principles to follow:

Systematic wagering is possible under a pari-mutuel system, at a racecourse with professional stewardship. Choose the racecourses where you bet for their reputation and image for fair play.

Track and horse specialization pays off, though it takes patient effort and time. Study horses at a track near your home or place or work to win, but visit other tracks to relax!

You do not have to bet on every race; wait until you know that odds favor your pick. Do not let the SP affect your judgment.

Pitfalls to Avoid:


Do not expect sustained windfalls, or look for short cuts. Stay away from illegal betting, and tracks which ignore dangerous riding and outright cheating!

Spread betting may sound like fun, but it reduces the probabilities of winning dramatically. Jackpots and the like are uncommon in real life, but every race does have a winner and places

Video screens are more for enjoying off-site horse racing, than for making money. Trackside insights matter. You are unlikely to win against punters at a distant site.

There is no shortage of theories and advice in the horse racing world. It helps to take all inputs in to consideration, provided that losses are kept within affordable limits. Do keep an account of your cumulative record and happy wagering!​