Horse owners reap benefits of vet school

reza eslahi

Horse owners reap benefits of vet school

February 11, 2011

Horse owners are set to reap early benefits from the University of Adelaide's new veterinary school at Roseworthy.
A horse owner's forum to be held at Roseworthy on February 24 is being described as the first of many opportunities that will be provided in partnership with the horse industry.
These events will be aimed at promoting community engagement, education and industry-oriented research opportunities.
"The new vet school, in particular the equine health program, is a much-needed boost for the state's horse industry," said Horse South Australia's executive officer, Julie Fiedler.
The school, which aims to train up to 50 vets a year, received $A15 million in state backing.
"Investment in high-quality people, visionary strategic planning and a genuine commitment to raise the skill and knowledge level of everyone from horse owners to equine veterinarians will reap untold benefits for our horses and our industry into the future."
Expertise has been gathered from around the world, with such specialities as diagnostic imaging, parasitology, pharmacology, sports medicine, equine medicine and surgery.
One recently recruited staff member from Britain, Dr Samantha Franklin, will share some of the latest knowledge on respiratory problems in sports horses during the horse owner's forum.
Franklin's presentation will include an overview of a new diagnostic tool called an "on board scope". The scope is a device mounted on a bridle allowing veterinarians to view via a laptop exactly what is happening with the airways of a horse whilst being ridden for exercise or gallop training.
It is the first tool of its type to be imported into Australia.
Professor Chris Riley, head of equine health programmes, will provide an update to horse owners on the planned equine hospital and new equine veterinary services to be offered to the general public starting soon.
Horse owners will have an opportunity to tour the new teaching and learning facilities that have been completed to date, as part of the forum programme.
As a part of the forum, horse property owners can bring along bore or dam water for salinity testing, paddock soil for pH tests and pasture weeds for identification by staff from the Adelaide & Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management Board.
There is even a free horse manure sample test available to determine equine internal parasite burdens.
Presented by Horse SA, the evening will also provide opportunity for horse owners in the northern regions to share insights about recreational riding trails and public land that is important to preserve from development.
Kirsty Dudley, from Light Regional Council, will provide a regional development overview before seeking to gather information by inviting horse owners to draw their favourite trails onto a regional map.