Horse "beauty parade" plans spark headlines

reza eslahi

Turkmenistan's horse-loving leader wants to showcase his nation's equines - and it has made headlines around the world.

An Akhal Teke horse. © Kerstin Stange
Perhaps the nation's autocratic president, Kurbanguly Berdymukhamedov, was a a little over-enthusiastic in his language, but it prompted one widely published report to describe the president ordering a beauty pageant for horses to parade in front of the Central Asian state's leadership.
The annual event is planned for April for the nation's native horses, which will coincide with days in which horses are celebrated in the nation.
We're not sure who was responsible for the translation - a state official or the media - but this is what the decree is reported to have said: "The best horses of the breed, distinguished by shimmering coats, long delicate necks and legs and popularly revered as 'the wings of the Turkmen', will be chosen to promote the glory of the heavenly racehorse worldwide."
Turkmenistan's Akhal Teke horse is its national emblem and they are revered.
The pageant, according to Berdymukhamedov, aims to preserve the ancient pure horse breeds - "a pride of the people of Turkmenistan".
Apparently, the winning horse will receive the title of the Most Beautiful Race Horse of the Year. The competition will not just extend to horse flesh, but there will be competitions for horse-themed carpets, jewellery and sculptures. Berdymukhamedov, an avid horseman, wrote a book about Turkmen horse breeds in 2008.​