Hoof and Leg Anatomy


♘ مدیریت انجمن اسب ایران ♞
The Hoof
1. Bulbs of Heels 2. Frog 3.Sole of Hoof 4.Bars
5. Apex of Frog 6. Central Sulcus of Frog, or Lateral Furrow of Frog
7. White Line 8. Hoof Wall​

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♘ مدیریت انجمن اسب ایران ♞
The Legs

The Front Leg

1. Coffin Bone, or Third Phalanx 2. Second Phalanx, or Small Pastern
3. Large Pastern, or First Phalanx 4. Humerus
5. Radius 6. Pisiform
7. Large Metacarpal 8. Trapizoid,or Ulna
9.Splint Bone 10. Sesamoid Bone​

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♘ مدیریت انجمن اسب ایران ♞
The Hind Leg

1. The Femur or Tarsus 2. The Stifle Joint 3. The Tibia 4.Hock Joint
5. Long Pastern, or Third Phalanx 6. The short pastern, or Second Phalanx 7. Pedal bone, Coffin Bone, or Third Phalanx
8. Cannon Bone 9. Splint Bone 10. Sesamoid​

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♘ مدیریت انجمن اسب ایران ♞
The Hock Joint

1. the tibia
2. fibular tarsal bone, or calcaneus
3. talus, or tibial tarsal bone.
4. splint bone
5. cannon bone
6. second tarsal (T2)
7. third tarsal (T3)
8. centeral tarsal (TC)​

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♘ مدیریت انجمن اسب ایران ♞
Fetlock Joint

1. Superficial Digital Flexor Tendon
2. Cannon Bone
3. Sesamoid Bone
4. Deep Digital Flexor Tendon
5.Navicular Bone
6. Coffin Bone
7. Short Pastern, or 2nd Phalanx
8. Long Pastern, or 1st Phalanx
9. Digital Extensor Tendon
10. Fetlock Joint
11. Pastern Joint
12. Coffin Joint​

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