High-Speed Equine Treadmill Topic of Upcoming New Bolton Center Lecture

reza eslahi

On Tuesday, March 1, the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine will present a free lecture at its New Bolton Center campus in Kennett Square, Pa. "Diagnostics on the Run: High-Speed Treadmill Testing for the Equine Athlete" is part of the First Tuesdays Lecture Series hosted monthly at New Bolton Center. The series offers the public open lectures on equine topics, at no charge, the first Tuesday of each month.
The March 1 lecture will be presented by Elizabeth Davidson, DVM, assistant professor and sports medicine clinician at New Bolton Center.
"Standardized treadmill testing is an effective diagnostic tool that aids in the evaluation of horses during exercise," says Davidson. "It is particularly useful for the investigation of the cause or causes of poor performance as numerous body systems can be examined."
The First Tuesday Lecture Series offers New Bolton Center an opportunity to share current information on topics of interest and relevance to horse owners and caregivers throughout the region. The series of one-hour lectures covers a wide range of veterinary subjects, each presented by a New Bolton Center clinician with expertise in the subject. Presentations planned for the spring include wound care, emergencies that present like colic but are something else, and New Bolton Center's new equine home nursing care program, Equi-Assist.
"This spring will mark our first full calendar year of First Tuesday presentations. The feedback we've received about past presentations, which have included topics related to cardiology, worming, hoof balance and lung disease, indicate that the public finds the talks relevant and informative," says Rose Nolen-Walston, DVM, organizer of the series. "As we move forward planning for the next 12 months, we hope that the equestrian community will let us know about other topics that might be of interest."