Guidelines created to help racehorses into new careers

reza eslahi

Guidelines created to help racehorses into new careers

February 24, 2011

New guidelines to help veterinarians and adoption groups successfully transition retired racehorses to new homes and new careers have been developed by the American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP).
"Transitioning the Retired Racehorse: Guidelines for Equine Practitioners, Adoption Organisations and Horse Owners" provides an overview of the common physical challenges affecting some former racehorses and helps establish expectations for a horse' future capabilities.
Developed by the Transitioning Subcommittee of the AAEP Racing Committee, the guidelines grew from a need expressed by rescue and retirement organisations at the 2010 Welfare and Safety of the Racehorse Summit.
In addition to criteria for physical assessments, the guidelines include estimated cost-of-care data from CANTER, a non-profit organisation that provides retiring thoroughbred racehorses with opportunities for new careers.
"The AAEP is pleased to assist and is proud of the many veterinarians and adoption groups who are committed to helping racehorses enjoy new careers," said AAEP president William Moyer.
"The guide is intended to be a resource to enhance decision-making in the best interest of the horse."