Gay polo hits the US West Coast

reza eslahi

Gay polo hits the US West Coast

February 18, 2011

Gay polo comes to the US West Coast this weekend.
The Gay Polo Club is holding its first annual West Coast US Gay Polo Tournament this Sunday.
It will be the first time the Gay Polo Club has held a tournament on the West Coast, after a successful first event held in April 2010 on the East Coast, in Wellington, Florida.
The tournament will be held at the El Dorado Polo Club at 50950 Madison Street, Indio, California.
The GPL is a United States Polo Association official club, whose membership consists of all levels of polo players, from beginners to professionals.
The GPL hosted its first tournament last spring in Wellington, and the event will return to Wellington on April 2, 2011.
GPL has players from all over the country participating in their events, and is now offering polo on the West Coast for its members.
GPL competed in the autumn of 2010 at the first Open Polo Tournament, held at the Bel Air Polo Club.
With GPL members all over the United States, and a large concentration of members in Los Angeles, hosting a tournament there in addition to Wellington made the most sense, organisers said.