Equine Reproductive Management Short Course March 26-27 at Kansas State

reza eslahi

Kansas State University's (KSU) Department of Animal Sciences and Industry, will host its 7th Equine Reproductive Management Short Course, March 26-27, at the university's Horse Teaching and Research Unit in Manhattan.
The two-day interactive course is targeted towards the horse owner that is interested in starting a breeding program or the novice breeder who would like to improve or expand their existing program. The registration fee for the course is $275 per person (limited to 10 people) or $150 for those interested in auditing the course (watching but not participating in the hands-on work, limited to 2 people). Each day begins at 8:30 a.m. and ends no earlier than 4 p.m.
Presentation topics will include Estrus Detection; Basic Mare Anatomy/Endocrinology; Semen Collection and Analysis; Breeding Contracts; Shipping/Receiving Semen; Artificial Insemination with Fresh and Cooled Semen; Equipment Needs for the Breeding Lab; and Predicting Foaling, among others.
Participants will gain hands-on experience with various aspects of the breeding process.
More information is available at online, or by contacting KSU equine teaching and research specialist, Joann Kouba at 785/532-1240.