Electrolytes: Readers Split on Supplementing Their Horses' Water

reza eslahi

More than 850 readers of TheHorse.com responded to a poll asking, "Do you supplement your horse's diet with electrolytes?"

Results were as follows:

  • No: 58.50% (499)
  • Yes: 41.50% (354)

Readers shared their use of electrolytes in the comments below.

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  • I add table salt as the only electrolyte supplement.
  • only because i am not sure she needs it. Here in SE ID. winter you can't work the horse.
  • When they are competing or shipping
  • Their feed and other supplements contain sufficient electrolytes for the work they do
  • salt only - should be aware that other supplements the horse gets may add up to too much of somehti
  • During the summer months when they are getting worked hard.
  • horses make their own like humans unless worked very hard to heavy sweat, often, then i might suppl
  • mostly in the summer but when ever I work my horses hard and they sweat
  • i feed salt topically to encourage water consumption
  • Ony when trail riding in hot, humid weather.
  • in the summer
  • It's winter in Wisconsin so I don't ride too much right now.
  • So Fl, they get more in the winter than the summer!
  • yes but not 100% of the time. We use it on/off year round.
  • will supplement as needed: hot weather, hard work
  • My horses do not drink enough water in the winter. My big gelding has colicked because of this.
  • Somtimes when it's called for!
  • at times, when it gets really hot in the summer and we are traveling or riding alot..
  • when competing, and at times in the winter to encourage drinking
  • Salt/Minerals free choice, supplement in stress situations
  • in summer months only
  • Only supplement if doing endurance rides over 25 miles.
  • only if she sweats alot, especially in the summer over 100 degree heat
  • I add 1 oz. salt to their feed.
  • I only give electrolites when they work really hard and sweat that white foamy kind of sweat.
  • They tend to drink more water with electrolytes in it
  • I only supplement with electrolytes when we are riding har+ hrs in the summer
  • Unless he's being ridden hard and often
  • we give them electrolytes in the hot weather and before and during shows
  • 1 oz salt/day
  • Being in Florida - absolutely!
  • Normally during the hot months when the horses sweat.
  • I add salt to her daily feed
  • Electrolyte Gold is the best
  • just a salt block, free choice.
  • during competition I give electrolytes
  • in the summer heat, >100 degrees
  • supplements contain electrolytes also
  • only suring summer competition
  • just keep trace mineral salt blocks in corrals
  • When the weather warms up.
  • only in extreme heat or during competitions
  • I add iodized salt daily to their feed with about 1 cup of water.
  • We actually just add table salt. Do not need to add the sugar that is in electrolytes.
  • I monitor, as needed, both in very cold weather, and very hot humid weather here in OK
  • Summertime only
  • I wish I could afford it right now. But I will definitely add it to his diet this spring/summer
  • When I travel from our northern state to southern states for trail rides, I frequently add them.
  • When needed
  • Only in the summer - really hot weather
  • We live in FL and we notice that when we do not use electros horses sweat
  • But not regularly, only when in work
  • Only if prescribed by the vet
  • Especially if being worked hard and definitely in winter to aid in water intake.
  • When needed due to riding in heat and/or water not available on the trail.
  • When I think they may not be drinking enough
  • as indicated by a drop in water consumption
  • every day I give the salt/lite salt combo, about 1-2 tbls
  • Yes, only in summer. Am in Phoenix, horse drinks up to 40 gals a day!
  • No they get a balanced to pasture mineral supplement daily.
  • When the weather is extremely hot.
  • During very hot and very cold seasons
  • only during extenuating circumstances; illness, dehydration, etc.
  • endurance riding
  • half dose in winter to encourage drinking and full dose in summer-we are in AZ
  • Only when doing hard riding in summer
  • Only during the summer when we are competing
  • During the hot summer months only
  • I don't add electrolytes to feed but put salt blocks in stalls.
  • Only after very heavy exercise.
  • in the summer months
  • only when trailering and when it is hot and riding.
  • When riding in hot weather only
  • No, I use Redmon salt in his feed. Encourages drinking and provides trace minerals. Great stuff!
  • in the very hot weather if sweating a lot
  • platiumun performance and or table salt
  • Only if working harder.i.e.camping we ride 2Xday, in PM for better water intake
  • Like to have them when travelling, and also in first aid supply cupboard.
  • only when extremly hot, or working extra
  • I only use them when hauling or riding in hot weather.
  • Salt block in the bucket year-round + electrolytes in summer. Thankfully, I have good drinkers.
  • During the warmer months and/or periods of heavy training
  • Not regularly, but when trail riding in hot weather.
  • Seems alot of the current thinking is that they aren't needed, but old habits..
  • Endurance in the South requires electrolytes. Also during a cold snap so they will drink more.
  • Not worked hard enough to need replenishing.
  • My mare has two salt licks and unlimited access to a heated water source
  • His work is not sufficiently strenuous to require supplemental electrolytes.
  • Only if weather and ride demand additional salt and minerals
  • Sometimes
  • Only when traveling long distances in horse trailer or on long rides during hot weather
  • Only sometimes
  • Just pets-no need
  • Electrolytes in the summer, and free choice mineral block year round
  • I use Redmond Rock. It has 60 plus minerals.
  • during the warm months
  • Only during the summer or when trailering
  • In summer in hard work and winter when decreased water intake.
  • especially when sweaty from a workout or trailride
  • just salt blocks
  • Only when hauling across country.
  • Only after summer workouts
  • Only when at fair if it's hot and they decr water intake
  • i just throw in mineral block in the paddock. its the salt that i want them to get.
  • Everything I have ever read (except ads) says supplements are unnecessary for a well-fed horse,
  • I have no need at this point in time.
  • not every day when worked in hot weather
  • But I do have 12:12 mineral mix and salt block available.
  • only when working hard and long put it in jello and they eat it right up
  • I use an all natural electrlyte like Replenish
  • My horses aren't worked that hard.
  • In hot weather; and/or if the horse is sweating a lot.
  • I compete in endurance competions
  • but only when hot Texas weather or work load warrants using them.
  • Only at Endurance rides at home we feed loose salt
  • Keeps my 30 yr old horse drinking to prevent impaction
  • We do give our racehorses electrolytes, but do not give any on the farm.
  • only in stressful high heat/ competition situations
  • only in warm weather
  • In the summer only when they really swet.
  • Only if very hot and the workout is extreme.
  • Only during heavy work or hot summer months.
  • i would if they needed them, but they rarely work hard enough to need them.
  • salt block year round, electrolytes in summer heat when worked hard
  • Only in the summer
  • Only on a "as needed basis".
  • I only have to use them in the summer when they are working hard and it's hot out.
  • I use electrolytes and/or trace mineral salt along with a salt block
  • I add table salt to their daily grain rations.
  • I do provide a salt block free choice at all times.
  • I don't ride my horse very hard. Wkly lesson, practice & twice wkly on a trail.
  • usually in hot weather or after strenuous excercise
  • Sometimes in the sumer if it is very hot and he has to work very hard.
  • Not on a regular basis, only when it's hot & I'm competing
  • provide salt block
  • But they do get loose salt added to oats everyday, winter and summer.
  • Absolutely - In Arizona
  • Use electrolytes during warm weather months.
  • On very hot days or very strenuous excercise
  • in the winter, to encourage water consumption in cold weather
  • Only in the hot summer months.
  • my horse has a nutritionist
  • Yes, i use electrolytes year round.
  • on occasion during the summer. Usually give them 16/8 mineral and offer it free-range
  • During spring,summer and fall months, when my horses are very active.
  • not necessary for the amount of exercise and climate
  • especially through the summer
  • Only when very hot and horses sweating
  • Year round. Makes me feel better with my horse drinking well
  • in the dead heat of summer
  • Use during competition (competitive trail riding) if weather warrants; just access to salt at home
  • Yes but only if sweating heavily 2 hours or more. Otherwise I add 2 tblsps plain salt to grain
  • just sodium chloride sometimes potassium if I think he might be heading for a problem with colic
  • only when showing or performing in hot weather
  • Only when she is working hard and it's very hot.
  • But only when he loses an extreme amount of sweat
  • Not unless they are working really hard in hot weather .
  • when competing and give loose sea salt at home
  • Predominently for travelling and summer work, but occasionally in winter to encourage water consumpt
  • I live in GA, and give all horses a pinch year round to encourage adequate intake
  • We do use VitaPlus daily.
  • My horse always has access to salt and mineral blocks both in his stall and in the pasture.
  • I normally provide them based on temperature and activity levels, not all the time.
  • Only in the summer months.
  • When horses are worked in hot humid weather and before and during travel we supplement electrolytes.
  • amount goes down in winter but do this year-around!
  • Use during hot summer months
  • VERY rarely. Only if worked extremely hard and has sweat a lot.
  • Typically only after exercise
  • We use Foxden Tractgard daily
  • We soak thier hay in it in the summer months here in Florida
  • mostly during the summer and during the winter if I see they are not drinking enough water.
  • my mules don't work that hard:)
  • we have thbds.racing, so we feed electrolytes daily.
  • orange flavor
  • in hot weather
  • only when necessary -- as in very heavy work on a hot day
  • Mostly in summer when he's sweating a lot.
  • When the weather either changes up or down 15 to 20 degrees, they are supplemented with electrolytes
  • Yes, during working periods
  • During summer competition
  • hard work & hot weather or lots of snow to encourage drinking
  • Only during intense exercise
  • In frigid winter temps, I give them a half tsp loose salt w/their grain.
  • Only when the weather is really hot and I want my horse to drink more H2O.
  • Yes, they get Gatoraide after a workout & as a noon drink when there is a long period of extreme cold
  • I live in a warm climate and my horse works hard so I supplement to make sure she gets her salt.
  • only when extra is needed, like hot summer hard workouts.
  • They have salt and minerals available.
  • Only when I plan a fairly strenuous trail ride and know there will be water on the trail
  • specifically before & during a big trip
  • I live in Florida, and use electrolytes during the summertime.
  • Occasionally. Depends on the circumstances, stress or work load for the horses.
  • If he sweats when he works or he's at an event, he gets electrolytes.