Conviction in long-running cruelty case

reza eslahi

Conviction in long-running cruelty case

February 28, 2011

A British Columbia resident has been convicted of animal cruelty under the Criminal Code of Canada following an SPCA investigation dating back to 2006.
Oliver resident Rudolph Harfman was charged with animal cruelty after British Columbia SPCA constables seized 121 cattle, four sheep and a donkey from his property.
The animals were emaciated and suffering from ringworm, lice, internal parasites and other health issues.
In addition to the animals who were seized, SPCA officers found a mass grave with the carcasses of at least 35 dead animals, some impregnated with full-term calves.
"We attended the property and were told by Mr Harfman that if we wanted to see the animals we'd better 'get a warrant', so we proceeded to do just that," says Kathy Woodward, senior animal protection officer for the BC SPCA.
"When we gained access we discovered the horrific state of the animals, many of whom had to be euthanized immediately because of critical distress."
She added that in addition to the extreme medical issues, the housing for the animals was substandard, with fencing in disrepair and hazardous objects strewn throughout the fields.
Harfman was sentenced to six months' house arrest, followed by 30 months probation and was banned from owning, having custody of, or residing in the same premises as an animal or bird for three years.