Cautious reason for hope over reforms - Pacelle

reza eslahi

Cautious reason for hope over reforms - Pacelle

February 26, 2011
More on the wild horse issue

Proposed reforms of America's wild horse management strategies have been welcomed by the Humane Society of the United States.

Chief executive Wayne Pacelle said there had been a push from many groups and individuals for reform of what he described as a seriously broken wild horse management programme administered by the Bureau of Land Management.
"Now, there's cautious reason for hope concerning America's mustangs."
He said the proposed reforms would better align the programme with the sentiments of the American public.
"It is important to acknowledge and praise the BLM for its efforts to reevaluate failing practices and policies and to take a step in the right direction to build a humane and sustainable management programme," Pacelle said.
"I am especially pleased about the ramp-up of the fertility control component, which must be the centerpiece of such a population control effort.
"That said, the HSUS cannot ignore the fact that even with these proposed changes, by the end of fiscal year 2012, the government will remove an additional 15,000 wild horses from our public lands," Pacelle noted in his blog, entitled A Humane Nation.
"Since there are already 40,600 wild horses and burros living in government holding facilities today - and, on average, the agency is only able to find homes for approximately 3000 animals a year - that means by 2012, there could be more than 50,000 animals in captivity.
"That's almost twice the number of wild horses and burros living in the wild on our public lands today. This is not economically sustainable and it is bad policy; BLM needs to slash the numbers of horses rounded up and removed from public lands far beyond its announcement."
Pacelle said the public needed to call on the agency to live up to the preliminary promises.
"At the same time, we must urge the BLM to consider this a work in progress. A paradigm shift is needed in this programme, not just a course correction.
"The US House of Representatives recognized this during a floor debate last week leading up to approval of an amendment offered by Representative Burton to cut BLM's budget by $US2 million and send a signal to the agency about the urgent need for an overhaul in its wild horse and burro management programme."
Pacelle urged the public to thank the BLM for its efforts to reform its programme, and urge the agency to further reduce the number of animals it plans to remove from the range over the next two years. The BLM, he said, could do this by increasing the number of mares treated with fertility control and released back on to the range.​