Careers in the Horse Industry


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The Australian sporting and recreational horse industry has developed dramatically in the last ten years. It is now the fourth largest industry in the nation. The resulting emphasis on better breeding and business management has meant that training in horse management is essential for those who wish to succeed in the industry.

Other areas of the industry which have also increased their level of activity include eventing, quarter horse sprints and the development of riding schools for people of all ability levels. As well, recreational horse riding has developed alongside interests in a healthy, more active and country lifestyle. There has been a corresponding increase in the development of sporting events for work horses with events such as campdrafting and cutting.

Careers in the horse industry are mainly in the stud and stable management area. However there is scope for professional employment in other areas:

* Education
* Equine Service Industries
* Journalism
* Merchandising
* Stud and Stable Management

Education and Training for the Horse Industry

* Bachelor of Science with major in Domestic Animal Science
* Bachelor of Agriculture
* Associate Degree in Agriculture

These courses have varying entry standards. Courses are linked which allows a qualification to be gained by studying one course after another.

Further information on courses or study can be obtained by telephoning the University of Melbourne on (03) 8344 0276 or 1800 815 803.​