Canadian says permits still needed over CEM

reza eslahi

Canadian says permits still needed over CEM

February 13, 2011

Canadian officials have confirmed that import permits will continue to be required for bringing semen and embryos from the United States into Canada during 2011.
The requirement is a result of contagious equine metritis (CEM) in the US.
CEM is a notifiable disease in Canada and the US. That means all suspected cases in Canada must be reported to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency for immediate investigation by inspectors.
CEM is a highly contagious disease that affects the reproductive tract of horses. It can cause temporary infertility in mares.
In most cases, CEM can be successfully treated with disinfectants and antibiotics.

More information: Canadian Food Inspection Agency - AUTOMATED IMPORT REFERENCE SYSTEM / Agence canadienne d'inspection des aliments - SYST?ME AUTOMATIS? DE R?F?RENCE ? L'IMPORTATION. Instructions for Canadian Importers of Semen and Embryos from the US into Canada:

  1. Notify immediately the companies/agents/owners in the U.S. that you wish to acquire semen or embryos from and inform them that a USDA-endorsed zoosanitary export certificate MUST accompany all shipments from the U.S. to Canada. For more information and to obtain the required certificate, see this link.
  2. Before semen is shipped, importers in Canada must obtain an import permit from the CFIA. To download an Import Permit Application Form for Live Animals, Semen, Embryos, Animal Products and By-Products, visit the CFIA website.
    1. The Import Permit Application Form is to be completed by the importer.
    2. Next, contact a CFIA area office (a complete list of CFIA offices can be found at the end of this release). The completed application must be faxed or mailed with payment to the Import Office in the province you reside in or into which you will be importing the semen or embryos. CFIA have given Equine Canada assurances that you will be contacted by the Import Office within three (3) days of receipt of the application form with information on how to proceed.
    3. Single entry (one time) permits cost $35. Multiple entry permits are valid for one year and cost $60. An agent or broker may use this method to do combined shipments of multiple stallions and/or exporters and/or destinations. To reference the responsibilities of Brokers, visit the CFIA website.