Bureau could see $US2m stripped from wild horse programme

reza eslahi

Bureau could see $US2m stripped from wild horse programme

February 18, 2011

The Bureau of Land Mangement could well face a financial hit over its wild horse programme, with the US House of Representatives voting to cuts its wild-horse budget by $US2 million.
The voice vote centred on concerns the programme was too costly and on worries expressed by some representatives that the programme is unhumane.
Representative Dan Burton, R-Ind., who co-sponsored the amendment, said it was a drop in the bucket in terms of the overall cost issue, but he said he hoped it would send a message to treat the mustangs humanely.
The bureau's wild horse and burro programme currently costs $US64 million annually - three times what it cost 10 years ago.
There are now close to 40,000 wild horses in captivity - more than the estimated 30,000-plus still roaming the western rangelands.
The best strategy for managing wild horses is a contentious issue, with advocates voicing concern about the use of helicopters in mustering the animals.
The bureau says the ongoing musters are necessary to maintain an ecological balance on the rangelands, while advocates argues the west is being stripped unnecessarily of its wild horses.
The bill has yet to reach the Senate floor.