British riders urged to lobby over forest access

reza eslahi

British riders urged to lobby over forest access

February 12, 2011

Riders and carriage drivers should write to their MPs to air their concerns over the possible loss of access to forests, the British Horse Society says.
The society says equestrians should lobby their MPs following the debate last week in the House of Commons on the 'Forestry Sell Off'.
It was the first chance for MPs to vote on the government's forest sell-off plans and considered the opposition motion, "that the Government's intention in the Public Bodies Bill to sell off up to 100 per cent of England's public forestry estate is fundamentally unsound".
The society's drector of access, safety and welfare, Mark Weston, said: "To date, the British Horse Society has not received any assurance that the permissive access that equestrians enjoy in many of our public forests in England will be preserved.
"It is therefore imperative that equestrians continue to lobby their MPs to save our access for future generations of equestrians."