BHS exams can now be taken at own pace

reza eslahi

BHS exams can now be taken at own pace

February 18, 2011

Updates to The British Horse Society's world-renowned exam structure mean that students will be able to "bank" units until their full qualification is received.
The changes are currently being implemented and into the syllabus for Stages One, Two, Three and the Preliminary Teaching Tests. Other qualifications will follow suit in the near future.
The idea behind the new structure is to make the exam system more flexible for the individual. Each unit can be taken separately and 'banked' until the full qualification is achieved, allowing candidates to progress at their own pace. Candidates wishing to take the full qualification in one go have the added security now that should they fail a section they only need to re-sit that unit rather than the whole exam.
In line with other unitised qualifications each unit is given a credit rating. Every credit equals ten hours of work, including practical, theory, homework and revision. This rating is designed to help both the candidate and their tutor assess how much study is involved and consequently plan achievable goals.
BHS qualifications, awarded by EQL Ltd, are widely accepted as the industry standard. Recent research from Lantra highlights the general feeling among employers that the BHS is at the forefront of equestrian qualifications, setting high standards for training.