Backdown on UK forests a victory for riders

reza eslahi

Backdown on UK forests a victory for riders

February 19, 2011

The UK Government's decision to abandon plans to sell off thousands of hectares of public forests has been welcomed by the British Horse Society.
The society had publicly voiced its fears over continued access to forests by riders in the event they were sold.
This week, the British Government announced it was canning the plan.
"The announcement will be a great relief to all equestrians," the society's director of access, safety and welfare, Mark Weston, said.
"This has been a significant lobbying victory for equestrians and other interested parties.
"However, we now need to make sure that the Government lives up to its various pronouncements that it wants to see improved access for equestrians in our forests.
"The Forestry Commission should now dedicate rights of access for equestrians in our forests pursuant to section 16 of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000, so that our access is never put in danger again."