Andrew McLean to headline British Horse Society convention

reza eslahi

Andrew McLean to headline British Horse Society convention

February 16, 2011

Australian horse training guru Dr Andrew McLean will present this year's British Horse Society Spring Convention, in May at Arena UK in Grantham.

Dr Andrew McLean
The programme for the convention, on May 24, will comprise a series of workshops in which McLean will explain some of his learning and behaviour theory. There will be opportunities throughout the day for questions from the audience.
Applications are invited for "guinea pig" horse and riders for the day.
McLean, an accredited horse riding coach, top selling author, successful competitor and sought-after speaker and trainer, teaches worldwide and is in demand for his lectures and demonstrations.
He is also the founder of the Australian Equine Behaviour Centre. Through this centre he and his wife, Manuela, have developed a unique approach that combines classical training with an emphasis on scientific understanding of animal psychology and horse behaviour. The training emphasises relaxation, attentiveness and self carriage, is relevant to all types of horse and rider and can be applied to all disciplines and situations.
A past winner of the Gawler CCI***, McLean has represented Australia in eventing, competed at state and national events in FEI level dressage and eventing and has also showjumped to Grand Prix level. He teaches throughout Australia, Europe, South Africa, USA, Canada and New Zealand and continues to coach riders and National Federations on the optimal use of learning theory for improved welfare of the trained horse as well as improved performance.