Alltech's Annual Symposium Changes the Game in 2011

reza eslahi

Whether in sports competition or the game of life, there are turning points that elevate the underdog to victory, redefining the anonymous as the unforgettable. In the face of mounting challenges, how does one identify and seize these pivotal moments to create a catalyst for success? In Lexington, Ky., from May 22-25, Alltech's 27th Annual International Animal Health and Nutrition Symposium will be dedicated to just such a pursuit, exploring "The Game Changers" for the animal health and feed industries.
"Today's challenges signal that it's time to rewrite the playbook," said Pearse Lyons, PhD, president and founder of Alltech. "Raw materials are becoming rare materials. Least-cost rations are but one example of failed strategy. Sustainability is questionable with conventional practices, and consumer confidence is tepid at best."
Alltech's 2011 International Symposium is intended to be an industry time-out, providing opportunities for professionals to huddle in specialized breakout sessions--including aquaculture, beef, dairy, equine, poultry, pig production, pet food, regulatory, food quality, traceability, and communication in agriculture. All sessions will be dedicated to the open discussion of creative strategies for revolutionizing industry practices and redefining its future.