کولیک colic


♘ مدیریت انجمن اسب ایران ♞
Your horse will exhibit any combination of the following symptoms:

Visual Signs

* Pawing
* Biting at Flanks
* Restlessness/Pacing
* Apathy
* Sweating
* Standing stretched.
* Kicking at its abdomen.
* Substantially less or no manure produced.
* Rolling (If a horse is rolling to scratch himself, he will roll and perhaps rub his neck and head back and forth to give himself a good massage. He will then get up and have a good shake to get rid of the dust. If the horse has colic he will roll repeatedly and stand listless, looking uncomfortable, without shaking his body and head and often get down to roll again. If the horse is in extreme pain the rolling may be violent.)

Changes in Vital Signs:
Familiarize yourself with your horse's or pony's healthy vital signs before problems begin.

* Elevated pulse-the average is 27 and 43 beats per minute.
* Elevated temperature-the average is 98F to 100F.
* Elevated or depressed respiration-the average is 8 to 16 times per minute.​


♘ مدیریت انجمن اسب ایران ♞
What Causes Colic?

Horses can have colic for innumerable reasons and even with veterinarian care the cause can go undiscovered.
A. Changes in feed, an accumulation of sand in the caecum, and ingesting fungus or foreign objects can all trigger colic symptoms. Some owners claim nervous horses that experience a change in management or senior horses in response to rapid air pressure changes may develop spasmodic colic. (No conclusive clinical information supports this claim.)

Impaction colic can happen during the winter months when horses or ponies are fed hay and have only frigid water to drink. The combination of dry feed and dehydration can be disastrous. Because the horses don't drink enough water the food forms an obstruction in the intestine. A horse that eats its bedding or accidentally gorges on grain can suffer from impaction colic. (Over eating grain or fruit can also cause laminitis or 'founder'.)

Parasite damage or kidney stones may also cause colic symptoms.
Colic can be caused by too much food eaten too quickly, or drinking a large amount of cold water. But any horse, regardless of age or temperament can have a bout of colic and often the root cause goes undiscovered.

Twisted intestines and telescoped sections of intestines occur and the cause is unclear.​


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What is Horse Colic?

Spasmodic Colic
Spasmodic colic is an indication of spasms of muscles in the abdomen. This form of colic can abate on its own or may be treated with anti-spasmodic drugs. There are many different reasons why horses have spasmodic colic.
Impaction Colic
Impaction colic is caused by a blockage in the intestine.
Gaseous Distention (Tympany)
Gases that build up in front of an impaction may cause painful gaseous distention. Gaseous distention can also be caused by the fermentation of feed in the stomach if the horse has gorged itself.
Intestinal Catastrophe
Intestines can twist, telescope or become twisted around the tissue that attaches them to the abdominal cavity. This will cause violent colic symptoms. The blood flow in the intestine becomes obstructed.
This is the most serious form of colic and causes intense pain. Often the only remedy is surgery, which is costly and sometimes unsuccessful.​


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What Will the Veterinarian do for My Horse With Colic?

Your veterinarian will want to give your horse or pony a thorough examination to ascertain the type of colic and what might have caused it.
A. The first thing your vet will do is check your horse's pulse, respiration and temperature. With a stethoscope the vet will listen to the abdomen for the rumblings of a normal healthy digestive system. He or she will check mucous membranes and do a 'pinch test' to find out if the horse is suffering from dehydration.

A nasal tube may be put through your horse's nostril and down it's esophagus to check for fluids in the stomach. The vet will also do a manual rectal examination. Any distensions, twists or other abnormalities may be felt deep within the abdominal cavity.

If the veterinarian suspects:

* spasmodic colic an anti spasmodic drug may be administered.

* impaction colic due to a blockage the veterinarian may tube oil or fluid through the nostrils and rectum in an effort to dislodge it.

* intestinal catastrophe such as a twisted intestine he or she will suggest various options including surgery and euthanasia.​


♘ مدیریت انجمن اسب ایران ♞
What do you do when hay is in short supply?

Assess the severity of the colic. If your horse has mild colic, perhaps looks uncomfortable, is biting at his flanks and stands stretched observe him to see if the colic abates after about 30 minutes time. Remove all edibles (including bedding) from the stall.

Try Walking and Trotting
As long as the horse is calm, you could try doing ‘belly lifts’ and hand walking or longing. A few minutes of trotting may help, but only for a few minutes. Don’t tire him out. If he starts to feel better, offer a tiny bit of grain. If he eats he may be over his bout, but keep a close eye on him for several hours afterwards.

After 30 Minutes
If mild colic symptoms haven’t abated after about a half hour’s time call your veterinarian. Write down any changes in feed, drugs or de-wormers administered, changes in routine, or anything else that you can remember that might have triggered the colic episode.
Take note of the amount of manure he has produced. This may make it easier to diagnose the cause of the colic and speed treatment.

If your horse seems shaky, and isn’t rolling violently, drape him with warm blankets.

Severe Colic

Safety First
If the horse is thrashing violently look out for your own safety first. Your instincts will be to try to calm your horse, but a horse in extreme pain can be oblivious to everything—even a familiar and respected handler. Call the veterinarian immediately.

It has long been thought that rolling and thrashing violently may cause a twisted gut. But whether this is true or not has not been established. Try to keep your horse on his feet. Traditional colic care is to walk your horse, but if he is already tired from thrashing and rolling, walking may only add to his fatigue. Your horse will be okay standing, or just lying still for a short time. It may be nearly impossible (and dangerous) to stop a horse from rolling. Move him to a place where he is less likely to hurt himself or get cast if possible.

Use Medications with Caution
If you keep prescription drugs like muscle relaxants for spasmodic colic in your first aid box use them with extreme caution. Treating a horse incorrectly may cause more harm than good. With colic caused by a twisted or telescoped gut, a speedy diagnosis is imperative. Don’t give your horse anything that may mask symptoms.​


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What Do I Do If My Horse Colics?

Assess the severity of the colic. If your horse has mild colic, perhaps looks uncomfortable, is biting at his flanks and stands stretched observe him to see if the colic abates after about 30 minutes time. Remove all edibles (including bedding) from the stall.

Try Walking and Trotting
As long as the horse is calm, you could try doing ‘belly lifts’ and hand walking or longing. A few minutes of trotting may help, but only for a few minutes. Don’t tire him out. If he starts to feel better, offer a tiny bit of grain. If he eats he may be over his bout, but keep a close eye on him for several hours afterwards.

After 30 Minutes
If mild colic symptoms haven’t abated after about a half hour’s time call your veterinarian. Write down any changes in feed, drugs or de-wormers administered, changes in routine, or anything else that you can remember that might have triggered the colic episode.
Take note of the amount of manure he has produced. This may make it easier to diagnose the cause of the colic and speed treatment.

If your horse seems shaky, and isn’t rolling violently, drape him with warm blankets.

Severe Colic

Safety First
If the horse is thrashing violently look out for your own safety first. Your instincts will be to try to calm your horse, but a horse in extreme pain can be oblivious to everything—even a familiar and respected handler. Call the veterinarian immediately.

It has long been thought that rolling and thrashing violently may cause a twisted gut. But whether this is true or not has not been established. Try to keep your horse on his feet. Traditional colic care is to walk your horse, but if he is already tired from thrashing and rolling, walking may only add to his fatigue. Your horse will be okay standing, or just lying still for a short time. It may be nearly impossible (and dangerous) to stop a horse from rolling. Move him to a place where he is less likely to hurt himself or get cast if possible.

Use Medications with Caution
If you keep prescription drugs like muscle relaxants for spasmodic colic in your first aid box use them with extreme caution. Treating a horse incorrectly may cause more harm than good. With colic caused by a twisted or telescoped gut, a speedy diagnosis is imperative. Don’t give your horse anything that may mask symptoms.​


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How Can I Prevent Colic?

Some colics appear to have no reason but you can help avoid colic by providing the best possible care for your horse or pony.

* Introduce or change feeds gradually.

* Introduce horses to lush pasture very gradually.

* Provide clean fresh drinking water at all times. In the winter, horses can not eat enough snow to stay hydrated and may not drink enough icy water from a trough or pond. A stock tank heater will keep water from freezing.

* If your horse eats straw, consider using shavings for bedding.

* Clean up windfall apples and other fruit out of pastures. A few apples a day is okay. Too many can cause colic.

* Keep your horses on a regular de-worming schedule to avoid parasite damage.

* After or during heavy workouts allow your horse to take frequent small sips of water. You can estimate how much water your horse is drinking by counting the gulps. Get to know how many times he swallows while drinking a measured amount of water i.e.
a 5 gallon bucket. You'll be able to estimate how much he is drinking at one time.

* Keep a regular feeding routine.

* Allow plenty of outdoor pasture time.

* Provide plenty of good quality fodder. Horses have very small stomachs and need to eat frequent small meals.

* Have your horse's teeth checked by an equine dentist or veterinarian. Improperly ground food can cause impactions.

* Always keep your veterinarians phone number in a prominent place beside your phone. Have your horse's teeth checked by an equine dentist or veterinarian. Improperly ground food may contribute to impactions.

* Always keep your veterinarians phone number in a prominent place beside your phone.​



توی یکی از مطالب خوندم که صدام میر ،اسب ارزشمندی که از تیره ی خرسان میر هست بر اثر کولیک میمیره...!بسیار مایه ی تاسفه،اما کولیک چیست و چطوری میشه پیشگیری کرد؟
خطر کوليک ناشي از عدم رسيدگي درست به اسبها است که امکان بروز انباشتگي ، پيچ خوردگي روده هاي اسب ، زخم معده ،پارگي معده و انسداد روده را ايجاد ميکند و موجب بروز کوليک ميشود . معمولا کوليک بصورت آني و ناگهاني پيش ميايد و مهم است که علت اين بيماري هرچه سريعتر مشخص شود تا بتوان از پيشرفت آن جلوگيري کرد و آن را مهار نمود .
نشانه هاي کوليک در اسب مبتلا :
1- غلت زدن
2- پا کوبيدن مداوم
3- دراز کشيدن بيش از حد معمول
4- برگرداندن سر به سمت پهلو
5- تاب دادن مکرر لب بالا
6- پشت کردن به گوشه جايگاه همراه با بروز ناراحتي
7- لگد زدن به شکم
8- ايستادن با بدني کشيده
9- نشان دادن مکرر حالت دفع ادرار
10- عدم دفع مدفوع به مدت بيش از 24 ساعت
11- بي اشتهائي
12- رفتار غير عادي و افسردگي
13- تعرق
14- اسهال و ...
. خطر ابتلا به کوليک در اسبهاي اصيل (عرب) بالاتر از ساير نژادهاست .خطر کوليک در اسبهاي 2 تا 10 سال بيشتر از کره اسبها (از شير گرفته تا يکساله) و يا اسبهاي 10 سال به بالاست . خطر ابتلا به کوليک با وقايعي همانند : آبستني ، دوره شيرواري ، تغيير جيره ، تغيير در نوع فعاليت هاي بدني ، حمل و نقل ، تب و واکسيناسيون در ارتباط ميباشد . اسبهايي که نسبت غلات به علوفه شان بيشتر است يا روزانه 5/2 کيلوگرم يا بيشتر غذا ميخورند ، در معرض خطر بالاتري از ابتلا به کوليک هستند . اسبهايي که خوراک پليت و مخلوط دانه غلات آسياب شده با ملاس ميخورند در مقايسه با اسبهايي که کنسانتره درجيره آنها مصرف نشده بايد بيشتر مورد توجه قرار گيرند . کوليک را ميتوان بر اساس عامل آن در يکي از موارد زير جاي داد : جيره غذايي ، استعداد مبتلا شدن به کوليک (نژاد) ، تغيير در حرکات دستگاه گوارش ، عفونت ، انگلها ، زخم ها .
بيماري هايي که در اسبها منجر به کوليک ميشوند به قرار زير ميباشند
: 1- انباشتگي به علت خوراک خشبي کم کيفيت
2- نفخ به علت تخمير بيش از حد
3- توده مانع در مسير گوارش به علت وجود جسم خارجي
4- ايست حرکات به علت نا متعادل بودن الکتروليتهاي خون
5- افزايش قدرت انقباضي به علت واکنش سمپاتو ميتيک
6- پيچ خوردگي کولون بزرگ به علت حرکات ناهنجار
7- جابجايي و انسداد اختناقي و فتق به علت زمينه کالبد شناختي و نژادي
8- کوليک به علت سالمونلا
9- آبسه به علت اسروپتوکوکوس اکوئي
10- زخم معده و روده به علت داروهاي ضد التهاب غير استروئيدي
11 - آماس کولون پشتي يا Dorsal colitis است.....


♘ مدیریت انجمن اسب ایران ♞
پاسخ : کولیک

لطفا برای ایجاد نظم قبل از هر تاپیکی یک سرچ در صفحه اول برای موضوع بکنید و مطاب خود را در دنباله مطالب قبل بزنید که همه یکجا باشند, مطلب کولیک به دنبال قبلیها اضافه شد


♘ مدیریت انجمن اسب ایران ♞
امیرحسین قاسمی گفت:
لطفا برای ایجاد نظم قبل از هر تاپیکی یک سرچ در صفحه اول برای موضوع بکنید و مطاب خود را در دنباله مطالب قبل بزنید که همه یکجا باشند, مطلب کولیک به دنبال قبلیها اضافه شد
داخل تاپیک طب سوزنی هم برای درمان کولیک مطلب هست


♘ مدیریت انجمن اسب ایران ♞
Future prospects in the battle against colic

Veterinarian Anthony Blikslager discusses the likely direction of future research into colic and argues the need for more investment in studying the problem.

Colic continues to be a serious health concern for horse owners and the equine industry.

Studies indicate that about 10% of the horse population will suffer an episode of colic each year and that about 0.7% will die from colic.

Based on the American Horse Council's estimated population of 9.2 million horses in the United States, about 920,000 cases of colic occur each year, and more than 64,000 horses may die due to colic-related problems.

Colic not only causes horse owners heartache, but it creates a major economic loss to the horse industry.

Given the American Horse Council's estimation that the horse industry generates $US102 billion toward the US gross domestic product each year, the annual monetary loss from colic would exceed $700 million.

Colic cases are categorized as either surgical or medical. The leading cause of colic-associated deaths is intestinal strangulation, which causes death of the intestine and absorption of toxins that lead to fatal shock.

Fortunately, the great majority of horses that suffer from colic do not require surgery, with most being treated successfully with medical care. Although medically treated cases of colic have a very low mortality rate, they represent the greatest burden of this disease syndrome. Colic of any origin is of great concern to owners and results not only in suffering for the horse, but also in costs associated with loss of use and veterinary care.

To decrease the incidence of colic and save the lives of horses requiring surgery, horses and groups of horses will need to be critically examined and research completed to find the reason for the various intestinal disorders that cause colic.

This will require new knowledge about nutrition, pasture management and stabling.

In recent years, researchers have determined that high concentrate diets, changes in diet, increased stabling time and other management practices can increase the risk of colic. These factors do not, however, explain all cases of colic.

Further research is needed to elucidate management practices and other characteristics that increase the risk for colic. Once identified, clinical studies are needed to determine the effects of altering specific management practices. This will require large-scale studies, possibly involving horses from several countries, to identify management techniques and other factors associated with colic.

The costs of this type of research principally involve personnel required to collect, enter and analyze data, rather than the purchase of supplies and equipment. Following horses during such studies requires a dedicated, competent team and significant financial backing to complete the needed research.

Increasing survival in horses that have life threatening types of colic involves four approaches:

* Early referral;

* Curtailing intestinal injury;

* Hastening intestinal repair;

* Reducing the development of complications.

Early referral continues to be one of the most important ways to decrease the mortality associated with serious diseases. Investigations are needed to identify clinical or laboratory signs indicative of disease severity that can be used to improve the veterinarian's ability to make an early referral for horses requiring intensive care and possibly surgery.

Preventing further injury of the obstructed or strangulated intestine requires a better understanding of ways to resuscitate the affected tissue when its blood supply has been restored.

Similar to the damage that occurs to the heart muscle in humans after blood flow has been restored after a heart attack, restoration of intestinal blood flow, known as reperfusion, also causes intestinal injury beyond what occurred during the strangulation.

Studies are needed to determine whether the mechanisms responsible for reperfusion injury in laboratory and small animal species are the same in horses, and to identify new treatments to reduce the degree of damage occurring in the strangulated intestine.

This approach will require considerable resources to study the basic mechanisms of cell death and survival in the equine intestine, followed by clinical trials to test novel treatments capable of interfering with these mechanisms.

Research to identify treatments that can optimize intestinal healing while decreasing inflammation is needed to help improve survival in horses after surgery.

While anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are used to ameliorate signs of endotoxin-induced shock and the pain of colic, they also block production of prostaglandins, which are important for normal physiology and healing.

As a result, many of the NSAIDs can impair intestinal healing after surgery. Research is needed to identify NSAIDs or other drugs that can control pain and shock while maintaining the normal physiologic processes in horses with colic.

Studies also are needed to improve our ability to prevent the development of complications that occur all too often in horses with gastrointestinal diseases causing colic.

Some of these complications include post-operative ileus (absence of normal intestinal movement), the development of intestinal adhesions, intravascular clots and laminitis. Only by addressing gaps in our knowledge about the development of these complications can improvements be made in the quality of a horse's life after colic.

Teams of equine researchers with expertise in epidemiology, clinical trials and basic science are needed to make progress in each of these areas.

Within the US and United Kingdom alone, these individuals are available and many currently work together in collaborative studies.

The critical component missing is adequate funding for colic research.

Considering the huge cost of colic to horse owners and the equine industry, the cost to complete research studies is relatively small. Therefore, now is the time to invest in research on a problem that is of critical importance to the horse.

by Anthony Blikslager, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ACVS on behalf of the Equine Research Coordination Group

The Morris Animal Foundation (www.morrisanimalfoundation.org), American Quarter Horse Foundation (www.aqha.com/foundation), Grayson Jockey-Club Research Foundation (www.grayson-jockeyclub.org) and the American Association of Equine Practitioners Foundation, Inc. all support work in this area. Alternatively, contact your favorite veterinary school to support colic research. Please contact the AAEP Foundation (www.aaepfoundation.org) for information about how to make donations for equine research, or call 1-800-443-0177 (within the U.S.) or 859-233-0147. This is just one of many efforts that the AAEP is coordinating on behalf of the industry through the Equine Research Coordination Group (ERCG), which is comprised of researchers and organizations that support equine research. ERCG was formally organized last year with a mission of advancing the health and welfare of horses by promoting the discovery and sharing of new knowledge, enhancing awareness of the need for targeted research, educating the public, expanding fundraising opportunities and facilitating cooperation among funding agencies.

The mission of the Equine Research Coordination Group (ERCG) is to advance the health and welfare of horses by promoting the discovery and sharing of new knowledge, enhancing awareness of the need for targeted research, educating the public, expanding fundraising opportunities, and facilitating cooperation among funding agencies.

The ERCG is a group comprised of researchers and organizations that support equine research. Participants in the ERCG include equine foundations and multiple university research representatives. Current participants include: AAEP Foundation, American Horse Council, AQHA Foundation, Grayson-Jockey Club Research Foundation, Maxwell H. Gluck Equine Research Center, Morris Animal Foundation, Havemeyer Foundation, United States Equestrian Federation Foundation and University Researchers including: Noah Cohen, VMD, PhD (Texas A & M University), Greg Ferraro, DVM (University of California � Davis), Eleanor Green, DVM (University of Florida), Dick Mansmann, VMD, PhD (North Carolina State University), Wayne McIlwraith, BVSc, PhD (Colorado State University), Jim Moore, DVM (University of Georgia), Rustin Moore, DVM, PhD (The Ohio State University) and Dr. Nat White DVM (Virginia Tech). For more information about the ERCG, please visit online at http://www.aaepfoundation.org and click on the ERCG link.​


Active member
كتاب دستنام كوليك اسب ترجمه دكتر كانران شريفي استاديار دانشكده دامپزشكي دانشگاه فردوسي مشهد و انتشارات دانشگاه مشهد مطالب مفيدي در رابطه با كوليك دارد و براي سواركاران علاوه بر دامپزشكان مفيد است ~
نمي شد در بخش كتاب معرفي كنم اينجا معرفي كردم !


♘ مدیریت انجمن اسب ایران ♞
Dr_Ghaffari گفت:
كتاب دستنام كوليك اسب ترجمه دكتر كانران شريفي استاديار دانشكده دامپزشكي دانشگاه فردوسي مشهد و انتشارات دانشگاه مشهد مطالب مفيدي در رابطه با كوليك دارد و براي سواركاران علاوه بر دامپزشكان مفيد است ~
نمي شد در بخش كتاب معرفي كنم اينجا معرفي كردم !
کتابهای فارسی را که در زمینه اسب هستند را در بخش کتاب معرفی کنید


Active member
قبل از تلفن زدن به دامپزشک برای کوليک اسب تان بهتر اين کارها را انجام بديد

امروز يک مورد کوليک اسب داشتم بعد مالک اسب سوالات زيادی داشت در مورد کوليک منم تصميم گرفتم يه سری اطلاعات عمومی در مورد کوليک بنويسم و برای شما دوستان عزيز بگزارم

کوليک يک اصطلاح عمومی است که بطور ساده به معنی درد شکم ميباشد. کوليک ممکن که از قسمت های مختلف بدن سرچشمه بگيره از قبيل رودهای کوچک ، حفره شکم و دستگاه ادراری تناسلی.

علل عادی و پيش پا افتاده:

انگل های روده ای:

لارو انگلها شامل استرونژيلوس ها که در رگ ها مهاجرت ميکنند ممکن است باعث زخم شدن مزانتريک ارتری شوندکه اين ارتری خون رودهای کوچک را فراهم ميکند و اين زخم ممکن است باعث کاهش خونرسانی به قسمتی از رودهای کوچک شودکه ميتواند باعث دلدرد شود . کرم های گرد نيز ممکن است باعث کوليک شوند به اين صورت که با مصدود کردن رودها بخصوص در کره ها . و کرم های پهن نيز باعث کوليک اسپاسمی دوره ای ميشوند

انباشتگی ها:

مواد متنوع زيادی ميتوانند باعث مصدود کردن رودها شوند از قبيل علف ها و غذاها يا اشيا خارجی مثل پلاستيک . جابجايی و چرخيدن رودها يا چرخيدن رودها حول محور خودشون برای يک مدت زمان زياد ممکن منجرب به افزايش فشار داخل رودها شود و کاهش خون رسانی به قسمتی يا کل روده را مختل نمايد . پارگی های احتمالی و جابجايی ها تهديد بزرگی هستند و معمولاً نياز به اصلاح به روش جراحی دارند

انقباضی يا اسپاسموديک:

ممکن است اسب شما مقدار زيادی دانه قلات يا مقدار زيادی علف بخورد که اينها باعث توليد زيادی گاز ميکنند که اين گاز باعث کوليک ميشود

التهاب صفاق يا پريتونيت:

به عفونت حفره داخل شکم ميکيند که باعث دلدرد ميشود

علائم دلدرد:

علائم دلدرد بستگی به ميزان درد دارد و علائم رفتاری به صورت زير ميباشد:

افسردگی ، از دست دادن اشتها ، پا کوبيدن به زمين ، نگاه کردن به پهلو ها و شکم ، لقد زدن به شکم ، کشيدن شکم و خود بدن ، بيرون انداختن الت تناسلی در نريان و حالات ادرار کردن در ماديان و تکرر ادرار ، غلت زدن ، لرزيدن و تکان خوردن

علائم دستگاه های بدن:

افزايش تعداد ضربان قلب ، کم رنگ شدن - خاکستری و يا قرمز اجری شدن مخاطات ، افزايش مدت زمان پر شدن رنگ مخاطات بعد از فشار دادنشان بيشتر از 2 ثانيه طول ميکشد ، صداهای روده افزايش پيدا ميکند يا کم ميشود ، و بنظر اسب نفخ کرده است و شکمش باد کرده

قبل از تلفن زدن به يک دامپزشک برای مورد کوليک بهتره که اين کار ها را انجام بديد:
1. بهتره آب و غذا را از پيش اسب برداريد

2.بهتره که يک شرايطی را بوجود بياريد که اسب شما غلت نزنه و اگو زياد غلت ميخورد کاری کنيد که به خودش اسيب وارد نکند

3. قدم بردن اسب خوب است ولی اگر اسب شما راحت و ساکت خوابيده به نظره من بهتره که کاری باهاش نداشته باشيد چون ممکن که اين قدم بردن سودی نداشته باشه و بدتر اسبتان را خسته کند ولی يه استثنا وجود داره اونم اين که اگر اسب شما سردش هست يا اگر اسب شما خيلی عرق کرده اينجا بهتر است که اسبتان را قدم ببريد تا اسبتن گرم شود.

يک دامپزشک ممکن سوالات زير را از شما بپرسه که بهتره يه آشنايی با اين سوالات داشته باشيد:

1.راجع به تاريخچه و جثه اسب شما که تاريخچه شامل چه مدت هست که غذا خورده و آيا پهن انداخته يا باد در کرده و يا چه مدت هست که اسبتان دل درد داره و غذا چی خورده و چند بار به اسب غذا ميديد و خيلی چيزای ديگه....

2. تعداد ضربان قلب اسب چقدر ؟ که اين را ميتوانيد با يک گوشی پزشکی که سمت چپ اسبتان زيره دسته چپش پشت و بالای ارنجش ميگزاريد بين دنده 2 تا 6 و در 1 دقيقه تعداد ضربان را ميشماريد اگر اسب روی زمين خوابيد بود بعد از بلند شدن 1 دقيقه صبر کنيد و بعد ضربان را بشماريد

3. لثه اسب شما چه رنگی دارد؟ آيا صورتی است يا کم رنگ شده يا قرمز اجری است آيا وقتی لثه را فشار ميدهيد بعد از 2 ثانيه به حالت قبل بر ميگردد يا بيشتر از 2 ثانيه طول ميکشد؟

4. صداهای روده را چک کنيد که آيا اين صدا ها زياد شده اند يا کم شده اند که اين کار رو هم با گوشی پزشکی ميتوانيد انجام بدهيد در سمت چپ در پشت دندها زير و کنار شکم صداهيه قر قر يا قور قر ميشنويد و در طرفه راست در بالا زيره ستون مهرها پشته دندها بايد صدای ريزش آب بشنويد

5. چه مدت هست اسب شما دلدرد دارد آيا مدت زيادی هست ؟ آيا بهتر ميشه و بعد دوباره دلدرد ميگيره ؟ يا اينکه دلدرد داره شديد تر ميشه يا اينکه به طور ثابت دلدرد داره آيا قبلاً دلدرد داشته مثلاً يک ماه پيش يا چند ماه پيش و خوب شده باشه؟

6. آيا توی مدفوعش سنگ يا شن ديديد؟

بهتره که هيچ دارويی به اسب نديد قبل از اينکه با يک دامپزشک مشورت کنيد

پیوست ها

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پاسخ : قبل از تلفن زدن به دامپزشک برای کوليک اسب تان بهتر اين کارها را انجام بديد

دکتر احسان ط گفت:

بهتره که هيچ دارويی به اسب نديد قبل از اينکه با يک دامپزشک مشورت کنيد
خوراندن روغن پارافین چطور؟


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خوراندن روغن پارافین هم نه چون ممکن يک پيچ خوردگی در رودها اتفاق افتاده باشه که اگه در روده کوچک باشه غذا داخل معده باقی ميماند و شما اينکار را که انجام ميدهيد تازه باعث ميشيد يه حجم بيشتری از مايعات وارد معده بشود و کار رو سخت تر ميکنيد روغن پارافين رو وقتی تجويز ميکنند که يک انباشتگی وجود داشته باشه ولی شما از کجا ميدنيد؟ اين مطلب رو هم که من گفتم به اين دليل هست که الان ديگه مالکان اسبها ياد گرفتند اين کار اشتباه را هر موقع اسب دلدرد گرفت بش يک ضده التهاب ميزانند يا يک ضد درد( يک جای ديدم که به اسب مواد مخدر داده بود خيلی رسمی شد ترياک داده بود توی کورس هم شنيدم ميدند واسه دپينگ کردن عجب کم کم بايد واسه اسب ها مرکز ترک ا عتياد باز کنيم) اين داروها کاری که انجام ميدهند علائم بالينی بيماری را ميپو شانند و بعد که ديدند اسب بدتر شد دامپزشک ميارند ولی چون اين دارو علائم رو پوشانده دکتر هم درست نميتونه تشخيص بده و اينجا مجبور ميشه که صبر کنه تا دارو دفع شود و زمان رو ما از دست ميديم به خاطر همين هست که ميگم دارو نديد